Chapter 6

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When Green Shadow woke up she was in her seat with a blanket thrown over her. Penny was parked in a gas station in the desert. Green Shadow got out of Penny and stretched for a bit when she saw Crazy Dave walking back.

("Morning Shadow.")

"Good Morning Dave. What've you been up to?"

("Finding out where we find one of the heroes. So far I've got nothing.")

Green Shadow sighed.

"Well maybe they-",

"Excuse me."

A man with red hair walked over to them.

"Can we help you?" Green Shadow asked.

"Well, no. But I saw another plant wearing the same symbol as you."

Green Shadow's eyes widened.

"Really? Where? Who were they?" Green Shadow excitedly asked.

"I think they were a Bonk Choi." The man said.

"Where is he?"

The man thought for a moment as if trying to recall something.

"He's at the Blazing Bull. It's about a three hour drive from here."

Green Shadow and Crazy Dave both thanked the man before hopping in Penny and driving off.


As soon as Penny left the Gas Station, Impfinity, The Smash, and Super Brainz followed behind, careful enough to not draw attention to themselves.

"Immorticia's already made it to one location. Now all we need to do is stop Green Shadow and Crazy Dave from getting to Grass Knuckles. Any ideas?" Super Brainz asked.

"Smash thinks we could break Penny."

"Let's save that idea for later. Right now, we need to distract them from their task."

Impfinity smirked and turned to the two.

"I have an idea."

"Really? Tell us then."

"Once the two get out of Penny, we'll take the car and drive off with it."

The two zombies thought about the plan for a moment before turning back to Impfinity.

"We like the plan, but we'll need a secondary plan incase one of them doesn't leave the car."


Penny pulled into the Blazing Bull as Green Shadow got out.

"I'll look for Grass Knuckles. You can stay here."

Crazy Dave smiled at Green Shadow and nodded.

(Alright, but be back before the sun sets. Coyotes tend to come out).

Green Shadow walked off and towards a restaurant where a bunch of shouting was coming from.

The restaurant was a large building with painted on flames. On the top of the restaurant there were two giant bull horns that were painted to look like they were on fire.

Green Shadow walked inside and took a seat on a creaky barstool.

"How may I help you?"

Green Shadow looked at the bartender.

"I'm looking for a friend. Have you seen a Bonk Choi around here?"

"Yep. He came in here a while ago. Said he was looking for a way to get home."

"Is he still here?"

The bartender smiled and pointed towards a small building in the distance.

"Yeah. He's possibly over there. He came here two days ago and was trying to get back home. But no one would take him seriously."

"But he's still here, right?" Green Shadow looked towards the building.

"Darling, he came here about two hours ago. He'll still be here."

Green Shadow sighed and got off the stool. She walked out of the building before walking up a small run down path.


When she made it to the building, there was an old man sitting at the front desk.

Green Shadow approached the old man and rang a small bell on the desk.

"Excuse me, but I'm looking for someone."

"Who are you looking for?"

"Grass Knuckles."

The old man adjusted his glasses and looked at Green Shadow.

"I know a Grass Knuckles. He came in just a while ago."

"Where is he?"

The old man pointed to a small shed.

"He's working."

Green Shadow thanked the old man and ran out to the shed.

Grass Knuckles was in the shed, picking up a few items. His hands were bandaged and his mask was torn in two different places. Grass Knuckles then turned around and saw Green Shadow standing there.

Tears fell as Green Shadow couldn't make out the words.

"Shadow? Is that-,"

Grass Knuckles didn't even finish his sentence as Green Shadow ran and hugged him.

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