Chapter 24

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Penny pulled into a wooded area and parked. Crazy Dave, Rose, Grass Knuckles, and Green Shadow all got out.

"I think it's best if I go with you." Rose stretched and floated over to where Green Shadow and Grass Knuckles were.

"Are you really sure?" Green Shadow leaned against a worn out fence post. "I thought you wanted to stay here."

"These woods look dangerous." Rose muttered as she gazed around the dark forest.

Grass Knuckles laughed and glanced at the woods. "Danger is my middle name. I don't understand why you're so-"

"You're scared of heights." Green Shadow started to snicker as Grass Knuckles stared at her.

"Very funny Shadow." Grass Knuckles put his leaf on the gate.

"I'm sorry, I just can't help the fact that-" Green Shadow fell back as the gate crumbled behind her.

Green Shadow got up and dusted herself off. "Anyways, I think we should head down the first path."

"Alright. Let's get going. We aren't going to find Captain just sitting around here." Grass Knuckles

The plants walked into the forest and stopped at two separate paths.

"Ok, which way do we go?" Grass Knuckles peered down the right path.

"Well the map says that the left way leads to a lake and the right way leads to a small park." Green Shadow tapped her chin.

"Then let's go left." Rose started down the left path.

Green Shadow and Grass Knuckles followed her down the path as they looked around. Large foreboding trees covered the sun and everything became still.

"I don't like it here." Green Shadow whispered as she kept close to Grass Knuckles.

"It feels like someone's gonna jump out of those bushes." Grass Knuckles nudged her and raised his eyebrows.

"Oh stop it." Green Shadow shoved him. "I hate it when you try to creep me out."

Grass Knuckles laughed as he looked at Green Shadow. "You know you secretly like it."

Green Shadow folded her leaves and continued to walk as Grass Knuckles spoke in a low tone.

"The birds have stopped chirping and the wind has stopped blowing. I truly wonder if we are alone."

"Knuckles stop it." Green Shadow tried to compose herself as she walked beside Rose.

"It's getting darker here." Grass Knuckles looked around. "I hope nothing... SCARES us!" Grass Knuckles held his leaves in the air as Green Shadow scoffed.

"Do the two of you ever act mature?" Rose looked down at them.

"I'm mature." Green Shadow then pointed to Grass Knuckles. "You act like a child."

"I appreciate the compliment." Grass Knuckles grinned.

Green Shadow chuckled and put her leaf around Grass Knuckles. She enjoyed his company a lot, and it got her mind off of the nightmare.

"I think I see the lake." Rose pointed her wand at a body of water in the distance.

"You think we should've gone to the park?" Grass Knuckles asked as he glanced up at Rose.

"Would Captain Combustible go to a park?" Rose raised an eyebrow.

Grass Knuckles paused and then smiled. "Nope. He hates children."

The plants neared the body of water and Green Shadow sat down on a rock. She gazed at the lake and sighed.

It's so peaceful out-

A large rock flew into the water, splashing Green Shadow. Grass Knuckles shouted and held up his leaves.


Green Shadow turned to him and sighed. "Looks like Rose was right about you being a child."

Grass Knuckles sat next to Green Shadow. "So, should we start calling for Captain Combustible, or should I throw another rock in?"

Rose groaned and skimmed the lake before noticing a small shack on an island. "Look over there." Rose pointed. "Maybe he's in that shack."

"Ok, but how do we get to him? There's no boats we can use to cross, and it'd be impossible to swim to that island without getting exhausted." Green Shadow dusted her cape off as she stood.

"I have an idea!" Grass Knuckles ran to a small log and shoved it into the water. "We make a raft."

"Great idea!" Green Shadow exclaimed. "Rose can use her magic to link the logs together."

Rose chuckled and brought out her wand. "Alright, alright. You two go get the logs, I'll stay here and keep watch."

"Keep watch?" Green Shadow tilted her head. "For what?"

"For Captain Combustible of course." Rose responded.

Green Shadow and Grass Knuckles shrugged and went to the woods to collect fallen trees. Grass Knuckles broke the stumps off and dragged them back to the shore.

Soon, Rose put the logs together, and the three pushed off from the shore. Rose used her magic to help push the small raft, while Green Shadow and Grass Knuckles paddled.

Once they were at the island, Rose, Green Shadow, and Grass Knuckles all went to the shack.

"Hey Captain. It's Penelopea!" Green Shadow knocked on the door before stepping away. "No answer."

Rose shrugged. "Maybe it's not his."

Grass Knuckles walked up to the door. "In that case." He punched the door down and turned to the two. "We have a way in."

Green Shadow smacked Grass Knuckles upside the head. "You idiot! That could be someone's house!"

"Someone's house?"

A voice made the three turn around. Captain Combustible was standing there with a confused look on his face.


The three plants ran to Captain Combustible and embraced him.

"We missed you so much!" Grass Knuckles exclaimed as he hugged Captain Combustible tightly.

"I missed you guys too." Captain Combustible chuckled. "Mind telling me what happened while I was gone?"

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