Chapter 16

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Penny drove down the streets of Paris as Green Shadow looked out the window. The talk with Nightcap was still fresh in her mind as she leaned against the seating.

Crazy Dave parked in a lot as the plants got out. "(If anything goes wrong, contact me.)"

The plants nodded and walked down a street before Rose stopped them. "I think we should spilt up. That way we'll all be able to cover more ground."

"Sounds good. I'll go with Knuckles." Green Shadow said.

"Alright. Call us or David if anything goes wrong." Rose responded.

Green Shadow and Grass Knuckles went towards the Eiffel Tower, while Rose and Nightcap went towards the Arc. Once they left, Green Shadow walked with Grass Knuckles down the busy street. Green Shadow held Grass Knuckle's leaf as they walked. Then a cold breeze blew through the air, making Green Shadow stop.

"Shadow? Are you ok?"

Something's going to happen. Something big.

Green Shadow pulled Grass Knuckles into an alleyway and looked around before speaking. "There's something wrong here. I just...". Green Shadow sighed and turned around. "What if it happens again?"

Grass Knuckles looked at Green Shadow before gripping her shoulders tightly. "Shadow, nothing's going to happen. Those things might have just been a coincidence."

"But what about-"

Grass Knuckles cut her off. "But nothing. Nothing's going to happen to you. What makes you think that something will anyways? Is it that dream that's making you think this?"

Green Shadow looked down and put her hands on Grass Knuckles leaves, slowly taking them off. "Yes, yes it has, and I do feel like something terrible is going to happen. I just can't stop thinking about it."

The two plants stared at each other before Green Shadow started walking.

"Lets just go."


A couple of hours passed and the two plants were getting nowhere. Grass Knuckles sighed and leaned back. "I'm tired."

Green Shadow nodded and sat down. Then a shadow passed overhead, making Green Shadow stand and look up. No one was there. Green Shadow glanced over and saw a ladder. Thinking fast, Green Shadow climbed up the ladder and looked around. No one was there.

"Odd. I could've sworn someone was here."

"Up here Shadow."

Green Shadow turned around and saw Super Brainz floating above her.

"Oh great. It's you." Green Shadow groaned.

Super Brainz laughed and held up his fists. "Prepare yourself."

"I have no time for this. I have to find my friend."

Super Brainz rolled his eyes and walked towards her.

"That's too bad."

Green Shadow got into a fighting stance and glared at him.

"Shadow, what's going on?" Grass Knuckles asked as he climbed up. Grass Knuckles quickly noticed Super Brainz and got into a fighting stance as well.

Super Brainz looked at Green Shadow and then Grass Knuckles before sighing.

"Two against one isn't that fair."

Green Shadow smirked. "Too bad, so sad."

Super Brainz looked around before he sighed and flew off.

"What's the matter? Afraid to fight?" Grass Knuckles asked.

"Two against one, remember?" Green Shadow chuckled as she watched the retreating figure of Super Brainz.

The two plants got off the roof and continued walking down the alleyway. The only thing on their mind was finding their friend.

Green Shadow's communicator went off and she quickly answered it. "Hello?"

"You find them yet?" Rose asked.

Green Shadow shook her head. "No. Any luck on your side?"

Rose sighed. "Not a trace. Something tells me that they left Paris."

Damn it! Green Shadow clenched her leaves and sighed. "Let's just keep looking. We have to."

"Right. I'll see you later."

"See ya."

Green Shadow hung up and leaned against Grass Knuckles.

"Let's hope what Rose said isn't true."


The sun slowly started to set as Green Shadow and Grass Knuckles wandered around. "Ok, where to next?" Green Shadow asked.

Grass Knuckles looked around a bit before picking an alleyway. "This one."

"Alright. Let's go." Green Shadow pulled on his leaf as she walked towards the alleyway.

The two walked into the alleyway and walked to the very end.

"Looks like a dead end." Grass Knuckles sighed.

Green Shadow nodded. "Yeah, let's go back and-"


A shout from above made Green Shadow and Grass Knuckles look up.

Wall-Knight was on the top of the building as he looked down at them.

"Wall-Knight! I'm so glad to see you!" Green Shadow called out.

"I am too!"

"It's great that we found you, but what the heck are you doing up there?" Grass Knuckles wondered.

"I don't know! I climbed up a ladder and got stuck!" Wall-Knight smiled.

"How are we going to get him down?" Green Shadow asked.

"I'll jump." Wall-Knight said.

"Don't jump." Green Shadow responded.

Green Shadow saw a mattress leaning against a wall. She walked over and tried to pull at it when she heard something falling. There was a loud crack, and a scream from Grass Knuckles.


Green Shadow did not need to turn around to know what had happened.

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