Chapter 3

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The plants all froze.

"Wall-knight?" Spudow approached the area where Wall-Knight just was.

"He was right there...". Grass Knuckles backed up.

Dr. Zomboss laughed.

"It works! It actually works!"

"What did you do to him?!" Green Shadow hissed, tears beginning to form.

"It's a surprise." Dr. Zomboss sneered.

He pointed the robot towards them and laughed as they all scattered.

"Don't show them your weak side!" Captain Combustible shouted out as the fighting resumed.

Green Shadow nodded and blasted Super Brainz. But she kept thinking about Wall-Knight. Was he invisible? Gone? Green Shadow didn't know.


Solar Flare's shout was enough to startle her from her thoughts.

Chompzilla wasn't blind, but she couldn't see well. She mostly relied on the movements other zombies and plants made with their feet.

The laser shot at Chompzilla just as she pinned down Impfinity.

"NO!" Green Shadow cried out as the bright light engulfed the area.

When the light cleared, Chompzilla was gone.

"This can't be happening... we must be in a dream." Rose whimpered.

"Tis no dream, tis real." Immorticia laughed as she blasted Rose.

Rose fell to the ground and struggled to get up as the laser pointed at her.

"ROSE!" Citron cried out, rolling into a ball and rolling towards her.

"CIRTRON STOP!" Nightcap shouted out.

Before Citron could even react, Spudow stepped in-front of Rose just as the laser went off.


The light flashed, and Spudow was gone.

Green Shadow covered her mouth. Tears started flowing.

"Spudow.... why would you-". Before Rose could even finish, Citron picked her up and got out of the range of fire.

"FIGHT THEM!" Dr. Zomboss shouted as he pointed at the remaining plants.

Captain Combustible stood his ground.

"Everyone, run for shelter. I'll hold them off."

"We're not leaving you Captain!" Nightcap snapped.


Before Captain Combustible even finished he was shot at.

"NO!" Green Shadow cried out as the light disappeared.

"Captain...". Nightcap clenched his fists.

Rustbolt started blasting at Citron, causing him to roll away.

"COME BACK HERE AND FIGHT ME!" Rustbolt continued to blast at Citron until he landed a direct hit.

As soon as Citron came out of his ball form, he was shot at.

The light engulf the area as the remaining plants watched in frozen horror.

Once the light left again, nothing was there.

"CITRON!!" Rose shrieked, tears flowing from her eyes.

"ROSE! STOP!" Grass Knuckles and Green Shadow both tried to hold Rose back.

"Please stop Rose." Green Shadow sobbed out.

Rose pushed the two of them aside and stood straight in-front of the robot.


"ROSE!" Solar Flare flew towards Rose.

"FLARE! NO!" Nightcap ran after her.

Rose was then engulfed by the light.

Solar Flare stopped as soon as the light hit.

"No...". Grass Knuckles let out a small whimper.

"We have to do something!" Beta-Carrotina shouted as she flew at the robot.

As Beta-Carrotina was about to fire, Huge-Gigantacus blasted her from behind.

"Beta!" Green Shadow shouted.

Beta regained herself only to see the light shoot at her.

Nightcap cried out and launched his dragon at the robot, causing Dr. Zomboss to shoot.

"NIGHTCAP!" Solar Flare dove towards him but was too late.

Nightcap turned to her just as the light hit him.

Grass Knuckles and Green Shadow ran out to grab Solar Flare.

"We have to get back to Crazy Dave's!" Green Shadow shouted out.

"Nightcap... no...". Solar Flare fell to her knees.

Grass Knuckles grabbed Solar Flare's hand.

"COME ON! WE HAVE TO GO!" Tears were streaming down his face.

"But Nightcap...".

"COME ON!" Grass Knuckles took one look at the robot and flung Solar Flare into Green Shadow knocking them out of the way.

"KNUCKLES!" Green Shadow screamed.

Grass Knuckles turned to them and smiled before the light engulfed him.

Green Shadow ran towards him.


As soon as the light vanished, Grass Knuckles was gone.

"NO!" Green Shadow cried out.

Solar Flare put her goggles on and flew towards the robot.

"Flare!" Green Shadow started running.

Dr. Zomboss started firing up his weapon as he pointed at at Solar Flare.

Green Shadow's eyes started to glow, she had to stop him!

As Green Shadow was about to blast the robot, she was pinned down.

Super Brainz was there, holding her down.

Green Shadow watched in horror as the two both shot at each other. The robot's blast hitting Solar Flare before her attack hit the robot, blowing it up.

Dr. Zomboss fell out of the robot and onto the ground. His lab coat was burnt and torn, while his skin was a little singed.

"Is that all of them?" He asked as Neptuna and Professor Brainstorm helped him up.

"No. There's still her." Super Brainz said, releasing Green Shadow.

"GIVE THEM BACK." Tears started flowing as Green Shadow struggled to walk towards Dr. Zomboss.

"Give me back Rose, Flare, Nightcap.... GIVE THEM BACK!" Green Shadow fell to her knees in tears.

"Please... give them back... please."

Super Brainz looked a little upset before turning to Dr. Zomboss.

"I'm sorry... but I can't."

Green Shadow looked up, pure sadness and anger were painted onto her face.

"They're gone. I zapped them all out of existence."

"There must be a way to bring them back!" Green Shadow shouted.

"There was one way." Dr. Zomboss turned back to the large piece of rumble that used to be the robot.


"Zombies, let's go." Dr. Zomboss said, causing Green Shadow to glare at him.

"You're not going to save them? We might be your enemies but-!"

Dr. Zomboss glared at her.

"I don't help the enemy team."

Green Shadow watched as Dr. Zomboss walked away.

"Your just going to leave her there? Shouldn't we dispose of her?" Rustbolt asked.

"LEAVE HER THERE." Dr. Zomboss growled.

Soon all the zombie heroes were gone. All of them except for Super Brainz. Rain started to pour and thunder rumbled overhead as he walked over to Green Shadow, who was curled up into a ball. He held a hand out to her only for her to glare at him.

"Are you ok?" He asked.

"What do you think?" Green Shadow snapped.

"I was just-"

"SHUT UP! JUST SHUT UP!" Tears started flowing as Green Shadow got up and knocked him over.

Super Brainz backed up.


Super Brainz paused.

"Your family?"

Green Shadow clenched her fists.

"They were my everything. So why would you take them away?" She choked out.

"It wasn't me. It was Zomboss. I would never-".

"Why would you think that it's a good idea. We'd never do that to you! We'd never want to separate you from your family!"

"My-my family?"

Super Brainz looked at his hands before looking up and seeing that Green Shadow was gone.


Green Shadow walked back alone. Her entire body was screaming out in pain as she struggling to keep upright. Her cape was torn in two places and her body was bruised and battered from all the fighting.

They're gone... they're gone... they're gone.

Green Shadow fell to her knees and cried out at the top of her lungs. She cried and cried until she felt herself losing consciousness.

As she collapsed to the ground, she saw car light come towards her before stopping. Someone got out of the car, but Green Shadow couldn't see who it was as the world went black.

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