Chapter 12

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A few days had passed since they found Rose. Now they were driving towards a swampy area. Crazy Dave had pulled over at a little gas station while the plants were outside stretching and getting ready to go and find another teammate.

"One of us should stay with Crazy Dave incase of a zombie attack." Solar Flare said.

"Good idea. Rose can stay with Crazy Dave while we try and find them." Green Shadow nudged Rose.

Rose rolled her eyes and smiled.

"I'll stay with David, but if you need me then I'll be here."

The three plants nodded and walked towards the swamp before being stopped by an old man.

"Beware the wisps! Beware!"

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Grass Knuckles asked.

"The Will-o-Wisps! They'll take you alive! They'll send you to your doom!"

Solar Flare burst out laughing.

"Yeah right! Those things are only found in myths."

"Don't be so sure! You don't know what you may find in the swamps." The old man said as he slowly backed up.

Solar Flare looked at Grass Knuckles and Green Shadow before shrugging and walking into the swamp.

"You think any plant hero would land here?" Grass Knuckles wondered.

"No idea." Green Shadow responded.

"Maybe we should spilt up. I can take the high ground, while you guys stay here." Solar Flare suggested.

"Great idea Flare. The trees aren't too thick so we'll be able to see you perfectly fine." Grass Knuckles said.

Solar Flare nodded and put on her goggles before flying up, leaving Grass Knuckles and Green Shadow alone.

"So who do you think we're going to find?" Grass Knuckles asked.

Green Shadow pushed aside a tree branch and looked around.

"I don't know. But I hope we can find them before the zombies can."

The two plants walked through the swamp, ducking under the occasional low hanging branch and keeping a close eye on Solar Flare. Solar Flare had completely healed up from the injury at the freak show and was doing fine as she flew down to them.

"I saw a cabin not to far from where you guys are." Solar Flare said.

"A cabin?" Green Shadow asked.

"Yeah. It looks like someone's living there." Solar Flare responded.

"That's a start. Grass Knuckles mumbled.

The three plants walked to the cabin and knocked on the door and waited.

A woman opened the door and looked around for a second before noticing them.

"What can I do for you?" She asked.

"We're looking for a plant with a symbol like ours. Have you seen any plant that has the same symbol?" Green Shadow asked.

The woman shook her head.

"No I haven't. But I got a call about a weird guy in a yellow jumpsuit hanging around the swamps. I suggest you be careful." She said as she closed the door.

"That sounds like Electric Boogaloo. Let's go." Green Shadow started walking away from the cabin.

"If Electric Boogaloo's here, then maybe one of our friends are here as well." Solar Flare said.

"Alright. Flare can you take to the skies again?" Grass Knuckles asked.

Solar Flare nodded and put on her goggles before taking off.


Hours had passed since the three plants had entered the swamp and no progress had been made. The sun was starting to set and a fog was slowly coming in as Green Shadow slumped against a log.

"I'm so tired."

Grass Knuckles nodded and sat next to Green Shadow.

"Yeah. Should we go back the way we came?"

Green Shadow sighed and looked at the darkening sky.

"I think so."

Solar Flare flew down and sat next to Grass Knuckles.

"Find anything?" Green Shadow asked.

"Nothing. Nothing out of the ordinary."


Green Shadow shot upright.

"You guys hear that?" She asked.

Solar Flare was about to respond when the scream came again.


"Someone's in trouble. Let's go." Grass Knuckles got up and started moving towards the noise.

Solar Flare put on her goggles and flew up only to fly back down and sigh.

"It's impossible to see anything up there. It's like someone took the clouds and threw them over the swamp."

The three plants kept moving towards the noise. That was until they came to a small clearing. Green Shadow and Grass Knuckles looked around as they walked forward.

"The noise came from here. But where's the person?" Green Shadow asked.


Solar Flare noticed a weird machine in the bushes as she approached it. She pulled back the bushes and saw a tape recorder attached to a megaphone.

"Guys, it's a trick! It's a-,"

The ground opened up underneath Green Shadow and Grass Knuckles. Grass Knuckles grabbed Green Shadow with one arm and grabbed onto a loose hanging vine. Down below there were spikes pointed upwards.

Solar Flare ran towards the two and held out her leaf.

"Take it!"

"I can't! My arms are full!"

Solar Flare grabbed the vine and tried to pull the two plant heroes up.

"Go get help!" Green Shadow shouted.

"No! I won't leave you two!"

Solar Flare continued to pull until she collapsed to the ground in tears. She couldn't get them up.

As she cried a figure slowly started to approach her.

"So, my trap worked?"

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