Chapter 8

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The two plants ran back to Penny and shook Crazy Dave awake.

("Wha- what the heck's going on? Are we under attack?") He asked, getting up.

"No! It's Flare!" Green Shadow held up a newspaper.

Crazy Dave took the newspaper and read it before sighing.

("It looks like you two are going to have to go to the Freak Show yourselves. Penny has a flat tire and I don't think I can get there.")

"Then how are we going to get to Flare?" Grass Knuckles wondered.

("I don't know. Try asking the gas station employee.")

The two plants walked back into the gas station and rang a small bell, alerting a brunette haired boy to them.

"What can I do for you two?"

"Can you tell us the fastest way to get to Freakopolis Freak Show?"

The employee raised his eyebrow before looking at the two plants.

"Why do you want to go there? There's nothing but freaks there."

"Our friend is there!" Green Shadow exclaimed.

The employee paused for a second before pointing to some train tracks.

"Follow the train tracks to your right for about forty minutes. Then you'll see the train station."

"Then what?" Grass Knuckles asked.

"Then go to the train station and ask the guy working there."

Green Shadow and Grass Knuckles nodded before leaving the station.

"Ok, let's just follow the train tracks and we should be ok." Grass Knuckles said.

Green Shadow sighed and walked over to the tracks.

"Let's go."


Solar Flare awoke to see herself in a cage. She stood up and tried to fly, but couldn't. A cuff was chained to her leg.

Solar Flare tried to free herself from the cuff, only for it to clamp down tightly on her ankle.

"Well, well, how are you liking your new home?" A voice said.

"I wanna go home!" Solar Flare cried out.

A man wearing an extravagant coat walked out.

"Sorry. But you're a part of my show now."

Solar Flare shook her head as the man took out some keys and opened the small cage door. Before going to the chain on her leg.

"Please, I need to go back to my friends. I just-",

The man covered her mouth and pinned her down.

"You're not going anywhere. Not while I'm here."

Solar Flare struggled to get the man off her before she blasted his shoulder.

The man released Solar Flare before grabbing a fire extinguisher and spraying her with it.

Solar Flare cried out and backed up to avoid being sprayed.

As soon as it was over the man locked the cage and walked out, leaving Solar Flare alone.

Solar Flare shook off the foam and stood up.

She had to find a way out.


"I'm so tired." Green Shadow said.

Grass Knuckles sat down on the side and looked up.

"So am I. How many minutes have we been traveling for?"

Green Shadow scratched her head.

"About thirty minutes."

"Ok, so we're nearly there."

Green Shadow sighed and looked around. A figure was in the woods watching them. Something was in its hands as it walked closer.

"Knuckles, we're being followed." Green Shadow muttered.

Grass Knuckles looked over Green Shadow's shoulder and glared at the figure.

"HEY! What are you doing?!" Grass Knuckles shouted out.

Then Grass Knuckles cried out as something shot his hand. He pulled it out to reveal that it was a blow dart.

Green Shadow fired at the figure, causing it to retreat back into the woods.

"Are you ok?" Green Shadow turned back to Grass Knuckles.

Grass Knuckles nodded, growing tired.

"I'm fine... I just... need to... rest."

Green Shadow was about to grab his arm when she was shot in the shoulder.

"Shadow." Grass Knuckles groaned before passing out.

Green Shadow yanked the dart out and threw it to the side. She had to defend herself and Grass Knuckles.

Two figures came out of the woods from both sides and approached them.

Green Shadow fired at one, while the other hit her again with a dart. Green Shadow cried out and fell to her knees as the first man approached her. Her vision was becoming blurry as she struggled to stand up.

"Calm down... it's going to be alright." A voice said.

From her haze Green Shadow saw the second man pick up Grass Knuckles.


As she fell unconscious she thought she heard them say;

"They can join the sunflower tonight."

"Well, we've never really had a fortune teller here before. Or a Yeti." The manager said.

Immorticia and Brain Freeze both followed him as he lead them around.

"Tonight's going to be an excellent show. Why? Because we've just gotten a new recruit."

"A new recruit? Interesting." Immorticia looked at Brain Freeze.

"Yes. It's a flaming sunflower." The manager smirked and pulled aside a tent flap.

The three walked down the small dimly lit path before coming to a cage. Inside the cage was Solar Flare, soaking wet and shivering in a corner.

"Why is she... like this?" Immorticia asked.

"Well, she blasted me and two handlers. So, we did what we could. We extinguished her fire."

The manager then left the two zombies alone. Immorticia waited until the manager was out of sight before she used her magic to unlock the cage door. She told Brain Freeze to keep watch while she went in.

Solar Flare looked much paler up close. She looked up at Immorticia and whimpered before backing away.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm asking you the same question." Immorticia said, brushing back some loose petals.

"I don't know. I was teleported to this tent in the middle of a magic trick. The audience thought it was all a part of the act, and after the show I was knocked out and taken here." Solar Flare motioned towards the chain.

Immorticia nodded and was about to unchain her when Brain Freeze signaled to her.

Immorticia got up and left the cage, quickly shutting it and locking it behind her.

Solar Flare looked up as two familiar figures were brought in. Immorticia and Brain Freeze also looked at them.

Solar Flare felt her heart nearly leap out of her chest. Green Shadow and Grass Knuckles were right in front of her.

The men chained the two to the ground and walked out, locking the cage behind them.

"Shadow! Knuckles!" Solar Flare rain to the two, shaking them rapidly.

Grass Knuckles woke up, rubbing his hand across his face.

"Ugh, what the... Flare?!"

Solar Flare immediately hugged him tightly.

"I missed you so much! I thought you were gone and dead and I just couldn't believe that-"

Grass Knuckles covered her mouth.

"I missed you too."

Green Shadow groaned and slowly got up.


Green Shadow turned around just as Solar Flare pounced on her.

"I can't believe you guys are here!"

Green Shadow chuckled and hugged her.

"I can't believe it either. Now, we need to get you out of here."

"That'll be impossible." Immorticia said.

"What do you mean?"

"Two things. One, there's a show tonight, and two, the place is covered with humans. It'll be impossible."

Solar Flare nodded and slumped down. Then was when Green Shadow noticed how pale she was.

"Flare, what the heck happened to you?"

Solar Flare sighed. "They spray me with a hose or a fire extinguisher whenever I act out. It's like they don't know that... that."

"That water's one of your major weaknesses." Grass Knuckles said.

Solar Flare nodded. "I can't summon any fire. I tried earlier, but... I just couldn't."

Green Shadow pulled Solar Flare into a hug.

"We're here, and we're going to get you out of here no matter what. Even if we have to crash a show." 

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