Chapter 20

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Penny drove over the rough terrain as Green Shadow looked at the window.

"We're kinda high up." Grass Knuckles said, stepping back from the window.

Rose nodded and sat back down. "Well the next plant should be here."

"And if they're not?" Green Shadow raised an eyebrow.

Rose shrugged as Crazy Dave pulled into a campsite. The campsite was fairly empty, save for a few cars here and there.

Green Shadow and the others got out of Penny and looked at a map posted on a billboard.

"Let's go up Cherry Trail, that looks the safest." Grass Knuckles smiled as he walked towards the trail.

"What's the matter?" Green Shadow turned to Grass Knuckles. "Afraid of a little challenge?"

Green Shadow smirked. "Or, are you afraid of heights?"

Grass Knuckles blushed in embarrassment and sharply turned around. "No. Whatever made you think of that?"

Green Shadow shrugged and pointed to another path. "How about this one?"

Rose nodded. "That one sounds good. Let's go."

The three plants walked over to the path before walking into the deep foliage of the woods. Light peered out from the tops of the trees, leaving patterns on the ground.

"I hate this. Being up so high makes me anxious." Grass Knuckles mumbled, gesturing to a drop behind some trees.

"We're not that high up." Green Shadow laughed before looking out and noticing how high they were. "Ok, I see a reason to be scared."

"You're not afraid of heights, Knuckles. You're just afraid of falling from that height." Rose held up her wand.

Grass Knuckles turned to Rose and laughed before hugging Green Shadow. "Please don't let me fall."

"If we stick to the path we won't, you big baby." Green Shadow smirked.

"Ha, ha, you're so funny." Grass Knuckles rolled his eyes.

Rose coughed, making the two look up. "You done yet? We need to find out where our friend is, and what if they're not even on this trail? What if they're on another trail?"

"Then we'd have to walk all the way down." Grass Knuckles grumbled.


The trail grew more narrow as the plants climbed up the trail. Soon the trees had all vanished and the drop was now in view.

"I don't like this. I don't like this." Grass Knuckles breathed out as he held onto Green Shadow.

"Calm down Knuckles, you're going to be fine." Green Shadow held his leaf as they walked across the narrow strip.

"The path seems to disappear up ahead." Rose pointed up.

Green Shadow groaned and folded her leaves. "Just great. It took us two hours to get up here, and now we have to turn back!"

"Yeah. Let's just pick a trail that doesn't go up so high." Grass Knuckles responded.

The three plants turned around before something cracked below them. Grass Knuckles held onto Green Shadow again as a part of the path gave away.

"I don't think it's safe up here." Green Shadow looked around.

"Let just get off this part of the path." Rose said hurriedly.

Another part of the path fell off in front of them as Grass Knuckles screamed in terror as he hugged Green Shadow tightly. "We're all going to die!" Grass Knuckles sobbed.

"Stop screaming in my ear!" Green Shadow shouted.

"Will you two just stay quiet!" Rose snapped. "I can't hear myself think because of you two!"

Grass Knuckles nodded and was about to speak when the path from underneath them broke.

Green Shadow and Grass Knuckles fell for a few feet before they grabbed onto a large root.

"Are you guys alright?!" Rose asked as she pulled out her wand.

Grass Knuckles shouted something unintelligible as Green Shadow looked down. Everything looked so small and tiny as Green Shadow closed her eyes and held onto the root tighter.

"Help us Rose!" Green Shadow shouted out as she looked at the large root.

It was clear that it wasn't going to hold forever. The root was already bending down as Green Shadow looked over at Grass Knuckles.

Rose waved her wand and made the root big enough for Green Shadow and Grass Knuckles to climb onto.

"Ok, now climb up." Rose said.

Grass Knuckles shook with fear as Green Shadow glanced up. Even though they had fallen a few feet, the mountainside was too slippery to climb up with just their leaves.

"I don't think we can. Can you lower your wand or levitate us up?" Green Shadow asked.

Rose shook her head. "I don't know any spells on levitation."

Green Shadow groaned and turned to Grass Knuckles. "This is just great! We have no way to get back up!"

"You have one way." A voice said.

Rose, Green Shadow, and Grass Knuckles all looked to the left and saw an Orange. But not just any Orange. Citron.

"Citron!" Rose cried out and hugged him. "I've missed you so much!"

Citron laughed and walked over to the edge. "I actually rolled by Crazy Dave a while ago."

Citron used his blaster and shot down a rope to the two plants. "He said you guys went up here, so I'd thought I'd check."

"No one was talking about you around the trail. Like there was no "Wild Orange Spotted poster." Green Shadow said as she climbed up.

"I'm a poet, not Bigfoot." Citron snickered.

As soon as Grass Knuckles got to the ground he hugged the nearest rock he could find. "Oh ground, I missed you!"

Green Shadow chuckled before turning to Citron. "So why didn't you use your portal gun and come back?"

"It got jammed. Like, the weird blast from that robot made everything malfunction. The only thing I can basically use is the rope thing." Citron sighed before looking at Rose. "So, am I the first, or last?"

"We still have to find Captain Combustible and Beta Carrotina." Rose responded.

Citron nodded. "Alright. Then what?"

"We go back home and fight for the city." Green Shadow walked in between the two.

Citron's eyes widened. "They took it over?"

Green Shadow leaned against the mountain. "Yeah. Last I heard from Flare, was that everyone had either left, or boarded themselves inside."

"Where are the others?"

"Back at the base. We ordered them to stay low until we returned." Green Shadow responded.

"The sooner we find them, the sooner we take the city back." Grass Knuckles walked over.

"It won't be that easy." Rose said. "Once we come back they'll possibly already have a plan on how to stop us."

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