Chapter 18

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Green Shadow walked towards the bush and was about to push the bush away when something big jumped out of the bushes and grabbed the two plants. Green Shadow cried out and was about to press her communicator when the clouds parted. 

Chompzilla stood there, holding the two plants, making low sniffling noises. It was obvious that she was crying. A couple of bruises lined her body as she set Green Shadow and Grass Knuckles down.

"Chompzilla, I can't believe it's you." Grass Knuckles hugged the chopper tightly as Chompzilla patted him on the back.

Green Shadow noticed something on Chompzilla's vine that made her stop. A black bracelet with a glowing red button was on it. "Chompzilla? Where did you..." Green Shadow looked up and continued. "Who did this to you?"

The sound of a branch breaking made Green Shadow and Grass Knuckles back up. "It's a tracking device. Someone put it on Chompzilla." Grass Knuckles said, holding his fists up.

"Let's go back to Dave." Green Shadow grabbed Chompzilla's vine and was about to run when a masked figure jumped out of a bush and pointed a gun at them.

"Who are you, and what are you doing to my plant?"

"Your plant?" Green Shadow clenched her fist. "That plant is Chompzilla, and she belongs to L.E.A.F."

"She has my device on her."

Grass Knuckles glared at the man. "That's only because you put a tracking device on her."

The man cocked the gun and Green Shadow fired at him, hitting him in the head. The gun fired as Grass Knuckles tackled Green Shadow out of the way. Grass Knuckles held Green Shadow tightly as she held onto him.

Chompzilla roared and ran towards the man, knocking the gun out of his hands and growling at him. The man backed up and looked around before running into the night.

"That was scary. I thought he was going to kill us." Green Shadow got out of Grass Knuckles arms and walked over to Chompzilla. "Let's get you back to Dave so he can remove the device from your vine."

"And get Rose to heal you. Judging by those bruises, some of them were recent." Grass Knuckles calmly took Chompzilla's vine and walked out of the bushes.


Green Shadow leaned against Grass Knuckles as Rose healed Chompzilla. Grass Knuckles looked around before placing a blanket over her. Green Shadow turned to him and smiled before nuzzling up against him.

Chompzilla and Rose walked towards them as Chompzilla flopped down next to them. Rose sat down and looked at the two before sighing.

"Her wounds were like that for a while. Luckily I was able to get the device off her."

"Are we going to stay here for the night?" Green Shadow tiredly asked.

Rose just nodded and sat down. "David's already asleep, so we're going to move to the next location in the morning."

Green Shadow slowly closes her eyes and fell asleep. When she woke up she found herself back in the burning city. Green Shadow stepped back, only to be met with an invisible wall.


Green Shadow held her ears as the shouting started up again. Tears were falling as she started to run down the streets of the burning city.


Green Shadow turned around and saw that no one was there. Green Shadow felt a sharp pain in her stomach as she continued to run. "You're not going to die. You're not going to die!" Green Shadow then felt herself being thrown into a building. She fell to the ground and looked up to see the robot from the parade standing in-front of her.

Green Shadow shook her head and tried to fire a Precision Blast at the robot, but was only met with a sharp pain in her stomach. The robot blasted her as she closed her eyes.


Green Shadow opened her eyes and found herself back outside. Grass Knuckles was holding her tightly as she started to cry.

"It's ok, it's ok. I'm here." Grass Knuckles said hugging her. "You're ok."

"I had that dream again only it was much worse. I saw the robot from the parade and the city was in flames..." Green Shadow choked out as she buried her face in Grass Knuckles's chest.

Grass Knuckles patted her on the back as Rose walked over and sat next to the two. "Shadow, how many times have you had this dream?"

Green Shadow took a shaky deep breath and looked at Rose. "About three times." Green Shadow teared up as Rose put her petal on her shoulder. "I don't know what this nightmare means? Am I going to die? Is someone else going to die?" Green Shadow started crying again as Rose sighed.

"To be honest I don't know. I'm no dream expert. Maybe we'll stop at the other location and try and find something to help you." Rose responded.

Green Shadow stayed up for the rest of the night. The nightmare was still fresh in her mind as she sat by the pond. Grass Knuckles wanted to talk to her, but didn't know what to say. He didn't want to upset her, so he just sat down and watched her.

When morning did come, no one really wanted to speak. Chompzilla was sent back to base, and Penny went on it's merry way. Green Shadow just looked out the window and sat next to Grass Knuckles.

"You need to rest."

Green Shadow looked up. Rose was looking at her. "Shadow, you need to rest. You were up all night and-"

"I'm fine. I don't wanna talk about it."

"Are you sure?"

Green Shadow just nodded.

Penny drove down the empty road as Crazy Dave adjusted his mirror. ("You know, maybe it is just all a dream. Many people sometimes do have the same recurring dream.")

The same dream? But that doesn't make any sense, right? Green Shadow thought to herself as she looked out the window.

All of the sudden, a loud pop caused Penny jerk to the right. Green Shadow and Grass Knuckles fell off the seat as Crazy Dave pulled over and stopped Penny.

("Everyone alright?") Crazy Dave asked.

"We're fine." Rose called back. "Did we hit something?"

("I don't know. I'm going to go check, just stay inside.")

Crazy Dave got out of Penny and was only out for a few minutes before he came back with a black bracelet and a couple of nails. ("What is all this?")

Green Shadow and Grass Knuckles were about to respond but paled as two black trucks slowly pulled up alongside Penny. The trucks boxed in Penny and prevented her from driving off and away. Green Shadow saw the doors to the trucks open and three men get out. One was the man from last night, wearing the same mask, while their were two other men she didn't recognize.

Crazy Dave noticed the men and motioned for the three plants to get down before he went to go talk to the men.

"What's going on?" Green Shadow whispered.

"They're all talking. Just talking." Rose responded.

The three plants peered out as Crazy Dave started shouting.

"SPEAK ENGLISH YOU CRAZY MAN!" One of the men shouted.

The masked man grabbed the gun and pointed it at Crazy Dave, making the three plants get out of Penny.

"Where's my plant? Answer me in english, or get shot." The man hissed.

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