Chapter 14

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The next day Rose created a portal to the island. She said it would be much faster to get place to place.

Penny rode into the portal as the five plants watched. It was all white for a second before Penny was on a beach. The beach was strangely empty as Penny drove to a road.

"Where is everyone?" Spudow asked.

"Maybe they decided to stay home today." Solar Flare said.

("Lets go to town and ask.") Crazy Dave responded.

Penny drove down the road before stopping at a gas station. A bunch of people were outside in bathing suits and all talking with each other. Crazy Dave parked Penny in a spot as Green Shadow and Spudow got out.

"We'll see what the problem is." Green Shadow said.

"Maybe it's another L.E.A.F agent." Solar Flare sat up.

"Or zombie." Spudow added.

The two plants walked towards the arguing crowd.

"What do we do?"

"We can't face them all!"

"That weird mermaid's going to be the death of us!"

"What's going on?!" Green Shadow shouted out.

The crowd stopped and stared at Green Shadow and Spudow.

"What's the problem? I heard something about a mermaid zombie."

"Yeah, at the beach a mermaid came up from the water and attacked us." A blonde haired man said.

Green Shadow turned to Spudow and then back to the people.

"Don't worry. We'll take care of it." Spudow said.

The people thanked Green Shadow and Spudow as they made their way back to Penny.

"So what happened?" Solar Flare asked.

"Neptuna's terrorizing the beach." Spudow sat down.

"What about our missing friend?"

"We'll look for them. Don't worry."

Crazy Dave drove out of the gas station and drove down to a pier with a long beach stretching out.

(I'll drive around and see if I can spot anything.")

"I'll stay with you." Grass Knuckles said.

Crazy Dave nodded as Green Shadow, Rose, Solar Flare, and Spudow got out.

"See you when you call us." Grass Knuckles said.

Green Shadow laughed and waved to them as they drove off.

Soon, the four plants were walking on the empty beach. Solar Flare had taken to the skies as she looked around.

"See anything?" Green Shadow called out.

"Nothing. No plant, no Neptuna, no nothing!" Solar Flare shrugged as she landed.

"Either she's planning something or she already got to our friend." Rose said.

The plants walked onto the pier and watched the sea.

"You don't think she's already won, right?" Green Shadow asked.

"I doubt it." Rose replied.

"Look down there!" Spudow pointed to the water.

The water was quickly swirling faster and faster. A whirlpool was quickly forming as the four plants backed up. Then something shot out of the water and blasted them into the railing.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the plant heroes. Come to find your friend?" Neptuna sneered.

Green Shadow got up and hit her with a couple of peas.

Neptuna fell back into the ocean as Green Shadow ran over to the railing.

The entire pier started to rock side to side as the plants quickly ran off. They made it just in time as the pier collapsed.

Neptuna laughed and blasted them again and again.

Green Shadow got out her communicator and pressed the button.

"Dave, Neptuna's-"

The communicator was blasted out of her leaf and Neptuna smirked.

"Sorry sweet pea, can't let them know."

Green Shadow clenched her fist

"DON'T CALL ME SWEET PEA!" Green Shadow shouted, firing off a Precision Blast.

Neptuna blocked the attack before getting hit from behind by Solar Flare.

"UGH! YOU LITTLE WEEDS NEVER GIVE UP!!" Neptuna hissed, raising her trident.

A bunch of water came rushing at the plants. Solar Flare and Rose quickly dodged the oncoming water by flying, while Spudow grabbed Green Shadow and held her tightly.

The water hit the two plants hard, flooding the entire beach.

Spudow and Green Shadow quickly emerged from the water as Neptuna dove in. Solar Flare and Rose rushed to help the two plants out. Spudow climbed out and held his hand out to Green Shadow.

Green Shadow was about to take it when Neptuna stabbed her bottom leaf with her trident. Green Shadow cried out in pain before she was dragged under water.

"SHADOW!" Solar Flare was about to dive in, but Rose quickly grabbed her.

Spudow dove in and found Green Shadow struggling against Neptuna. Neptuna had pinned Green Shadow against the beach floor. Spudow barreled into Neptuna and struggled to pry her off of Green Shadow.

Neptuna let go and slashed at Spudow with her trident. Spudow let go instantly and held his chest.


Neptuna turned back to Green Shadow and slammed her against the beach floor. Spudow swam up and climbed out.

"Are you ok?" Rose approached him and made him remove his hands.

"Shadow's still down there!" Spudow said urgently.

"Dave's not here yet! We have to save her!" Solar Flare shouted.

"Flare no! You can't just jump into freezing water like that!"

"BUT SHE COULD BE DEAD!!" Solar Flare shrieked.

Just then a figure ran out of the woods and jumped into the water. The three plants looked at each other before Penny sped around a corner and stopped.

Grass Knuckles and Crazy Dave both got out of Penny and ran to where the plants were.

"Where's Shadow?"

"Neptuna got her!" Rose pointed to the water before going back to healing Spudow.

A loud bang came from the water as everyone looked towards the flooded beach.

Nightcap stood there holding a passed out Green Shadow in his arms.

"She's ok." He said panting. "She's ok."

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