Chapter 30

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Solar Flare stared at the door. It had been a day and a half, and there was still no sign of recovery. Solar Flare waited until she heard the door open up.

Rose walked out and closed the door behind her. "Flare?"

"Is she alright?" Solar Flare got up and walked over.

"She's not doing so good right now. Me and Immorticia are doing all we can." Rose bit her lip as she walked past Solar Flare.

"Can I see her?"

"No." Rose shook her head.

Solar Flare clenched her leaves and turned away from Rose. Solar Flare walked down the hallway, and stopped at a mirror.

She put a hand to her burnt petals and moved her leaf to the large scar across her face.

"Hey Flare! Are you doing alright?"

Solar Flare turned to see Nightcap and Grass Knuckles coming towards her.

Nightcap had a bandage wrapped around his left eye and waist, while Grass Knuckles had his right leaf in a cast.

"Yeah, I was just worrying about Shadow." Solar Flare rubbed her scar. "Rose says that she's not looking too hot."

"I'm worried about her too. That shard was really deep inside her." Grass Knuckles glanced down and wiped away a few tears. "But she's strong. I know she'll pull through."

Solar Flare saw Rose heading back into the room and leaned against the wall. She listened to the rain outside and slumped down. "Aren't you worried?" Solar Flare folded her leaves, making the two stare at her.

"Flare, Shadow's strong. She'll-"

"No!" Solar Flare stood up, cutting off Nightcap. "This is different! She wasn't punched in the throat or blasted into a wall! She was impaled!" Solar Flare started to choke up.

"I mean look at us! We've never been through anything like this before! We've never been this beaten up before!" Solar Flare gestured at her face before pointing to Nightcap's wounds.

Solar Flare started to sob as Nightcap reached out to her.

"Flare I'll...". Nightcap pulled his hand away, he bit his lip and turned to Grass Knuckles. "I'll leave you alone."

Solar Flare watched the two walk off before she tried to wipe her tears away.

Solar Flare turned back to the window as she buried her face in her leaves.

Please be alright. Please...


Rose opened the curtains and turned to Green Shadow. The Peashooter hadn't opened her eyes or even moved.

Rose walked over and looked down at the large bandage that covered her side. Immorticia and her had been working on Green Shadow for the entire night. Progress had been made with Green Shadow's side being stitched up completely. But after all that had been done, Green Shadow still wasn't waking up.

The door opened and Immorticia walked in. Immorticia glanced at Rose before she sat down.

"How are the zombies doing?" Rose put her wand on the nightstand. "You've been working on their wounds all night."

Immorticia tucked a loose strand of hair away. "They're all doing much better now." But some of their wounds won't go away." Immorticia took out her wand and set it beside her. "It's mostly large gashes and some broken bones. My magic can only go so far." Immorticia held up her hands.

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