Chapter 4

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"(Shadow? Green Shadow?)"

Green Shadow groaned and opened her eyes. She was inside Penny, Crazy Dave's car. Crazy Dave was busy bandaging up Green Shadow.

"Dave? What happened?"

("I found you passed out on the sidewalk. Where are the others?")

The others...

Green Shadow teared up.

"They're dead."

("What? I thought they were captured.")

Green Shadow just shook her head before hugging Crazy Dave.

Crazy Dave hugged Green Shadow back. He couldn't think of anything else to do.

Super Brainz walked back into the base. He was still thinking about what Green Shadow told him. Family wasn't something that Super Brainz was familiar with. He didn't remember anything about his past life. Did he even have a family? Were the zombie heroes considered his family?

"Hey Brainz!" Electric Boogaloo walked up to him with a big smile on his face.

"Oh, hey."

"Where were you? You didn't come with us when we left."

"I was kinda talking to Green Shadow."

Electric Boogaloo's eyes widened.

"What were you doing with her?"

Super Brainz sat down.

"We just talked. She kinda made me think about something."

"What was it?"

"Are we family? I mean, do we all consider each other family even though we're not related?"

Electric Boogaloo paused and tried to think of an answer.

"I don't really know. I mean, you could ask the others and they'll tell you."

Super Brainz sighed and got up.

"I'll ask Neptuna."

"You go do that."

Super Brainz walked over to Neptuna, who was bandaging up Impfinity's arm.

"Oh, Super Brainz, what is it?"

"I wanted to ask you a question."

"What is it?"

Before Super Brainz could ask, Dr. Zomboss walked out and called out to all the zombie heroes.

"Attention zombie heroes! Today was a success. We have finally defeated the Plant Heroes! Now we are going to take over the city!"

"But what about Green Shadow?" Rustbolt asked.

"What about her?"

"She's still alive. Chances are she could find more Plant heroes and destroy us."

Dr. Zomboss laughed.

"Green Shadow won't be able to do a thing against us! She'll be too weak to stand up to all of us."

"But what if she does try?" Impfinity asked.

"Then take care of her."

Professor Brainstorm was busily looked over the damaged robot while holding the remaining substance that wiped out the plant heroes.

He put a small sample of it under his microscope and looked.



The next day Green Shadow woke up to silence. She looked around the room and sighed. tears were starting to form again as she walked out of the room. Normally, she'd be woken up to Solar Flare playing music, or Rose yelling at Solar Flare to turn that racket off. As soon as Green Shadow closed the door she leaned against it and slumped down.

"Shadow, please don't cry, everything's going to be ok...".


"We're a team, we stick together."

"Solar Flare."

"You did good out there cadet. You did good."


"Um, hey wanna hang out sometime? Catch a movie, go to the park...".


Green Shadow pulled her hood over her head. Tears were falling now.

"Maybe if we talk to them everything will be a-ok!"


"I have an idea. It's a risky idea, but it'll work."


"Let's not fight today. It's a wonderful day outside."


"Yeah, yeah... I'm coming."


A low purr from Chompzilla.


"The adventure is endless! Space is endless! That's why I want to explore it all."


Green Shadow started crying as she started remembering everything. She saw them get zapped out of existence, one by one.

"I can't go on. Not anymore."

The alarm startled Green Shadow as she ran down to the base to answer it. As soon as Green Shadow pressed the button Crazy Dave's face came into view.

("Shadow! The zombie heroes are wreaking the city! You need to go out there and stop them. You and the...".) Crazy Dave stopped what he was saying as he saw Green Shadow wipe away her tears.

"I'm on it."

("Shadow, I don't think you can fight alone. I'll send some-")

"I'll be fine Dave. Don't worry. I'll.. I'll be back."

Green Shadow hung up the call and started to climb up the ladder.

The base was much quieter as Green Shadow took one last look around it.

She'd be back... right?


Green Shadow left the yard, not even bothering to say goodbye to Crazy Dave. She didn't even want to get the high ground. The bitter memories of last night were still fresh in her mind as she walked towards the city.

Grey thunderous clouds still blocked out the sun as Green Shadow walked through the silent city. Not a single person was in sight as Green Shadow looked around.

They must have evacuated the city. Green Shadow thought as she followed a trail of destruction.

Soon she reached the cause. A giant statue of Dr. Zomboss was being built, right in the middle of town square. Most of the zombie heroes were working on it while some were scouting out the city.

Green Shadow backed up. She couldn't take them all on.

"Are you lost, Green Shadow?"

Green Shadow turned around to see Professor Brainstorm and Super Brainz behind her.

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