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Green Shadow climbed up a ladder. The sun had begun to set, and a cool breeze blew through the air as she neared the top.

Once she was at the top, she sat down and stared at the setting sun. Orange, yellow, and red colors decorated the sky, making the sunset appear almost ethereal.

Another cool breeze swept through the air as Green Shadow closed her eyes, taking in the breeze.

Fall's just around the corner...

Green Shadow opened her eyes and glanced down at the small scar on her side. It had been a few months since the whole incident, but it still haunted her.

Many of the plants still had dreams of getting zapped away from the others, and Green Shadow had some of those dreams as well.

Looking down, Green Shadow could see some cars driving down the street and people casually walking around like nothing had happened.

"It's almost like they don't even know what went down." Green Shadow muttered to herself as she took off her badge. "But I guess that's somewhat of a good thing." Green Shadow fidgeted with her badge.

"I thought I'd find you up here." A voice made Green Shadow almost drop her badge.

Green Shadow whipped around and saw Super Brainz on the roof.

"How've you been?" Super Brainz walked over.

"I've been fine. How are the zombies doing?"

Super Brainz sat down next to her and glanced down at the city. "Things are going good. We had a talk with Dr. Zomboss, and we're still trying to sort a few things out with him. I mean, he created that robot so...". He then stopped and turned to Green Shadow. "Listen, about before...". Super Brainz rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"I know what you're going to say. I'm sorry about launching you guys away and stuff." Green Shadow raised an eyebrow. "Am I right?"

Super Brainz laughed and shook his head. "Yeah, whatever." He stopped and took a deep breath. "You know, on that day when the robot attacked the city, and you nearly...". Super Brainz folded his arms and stared at Green Shadow.

That day was still burned into Green Shadow's memory. Even though it had been months since the incident, Green Shadow still found herself waking up in cold sweats.

"I never wanted anyone to die!" Super Brainz held out his hands in anger before setting them down. "I should've spoken up when I had the chance."

"Did you fear that someone from the zombie team would die?" Green Shadow tilted her head.

Super Brainz turned to the setting sun. He didn't say anything after that. He just stared at the sun's dying rays.

The two plants sat there in silence as the sun's last rays started to vanish. A cool breeze brushed past the two, making Green Shadow close her eyes again.

"Do you ever think that this rivalry will come to an end?"

Green Shadow opened her eyes. "What? Us against you guys?" Green Shadow leaned back. "I have no clue." Green Shadow turned to him. "Why are you asking?"

"Eh, it just came into my mind." Super Brainz shrugged and glanced up at the sky. "But it would be nice, wouldn't it?" Super Brainz let out a small laugh and ran his fingers through his hair.

Green Shadow smirked and stood up. "You got a brain in that head of yours, right?"

"Ha ha, very funny." Super Brainz rolled his eyes and got up. "You always have had a sarcastic sense of humor."

"A sarcastic sense of humor?" Green Shadow folded her leaves and glared at him. "As if. You're the one who shows the most sarcasm."

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Super Brainz got off the balcony. "Anyways, I gotta go."

"Go?" Green Shadow hopped off the balcony. "Where are you going?"

"It's getting late, and I still need to do a patrol around the city." Super Brainz pulled out his communicator before putting it away. "It was nice talking to you though." Super Brainz waved and flew off, leaving Green Shadow alone.

Green Shadow watched him as he flew away. She smiled and turned back to the balcony. The sky was completely dark, save for a few stars that weren't blocked out by city lights.

Green Shadow's communicator rang, making her pick it up. "What's the matter?"

"Are you still patrolling?" Solar Flare asked on the other end. "It's time to come back to base."

"It's not that late." Green Shadow glanced at the city as she ran her leaf along the balcony. "Besides, it feels really cool outside."

"Well, don't get jumped by a robot." Solar Flare tried to cover up her laughter as someone coughed in the back.

Green Shadow shook her head and chuckled. "I'll be home in like twenty minutes. Don't go missing."


"It's true." Green Shadow put her badge back on. "Anyways, I'll talk to you once I get back, alright?"

Solar Flare agreed and hung up, leaving Green Shadow alone. Green Shadow walked towards the ladder as a cool breeze blew behind her. She smiled and started to climb down, happy to have everything back to normal.

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