Chapter 25

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"I missed you like crazy!" Solar Flare hugged Green Shadow tightly as she sat down. "Being here without you was a total nightmare!"

"You had us, Flare." Nightcap rolled his eyes as Grass Knuckles sat next to him.

Solar Flare rolled her eyes and picked up her can of soda. "Anyways, how're we gonna take back the city?"

"We need a plan, and a big one." Captain Combustible walked forward. "We can't let the zombies separate us again."

"Can we talk about this tomorrow? It's getting late." Beta-Carrotina pointed at the clock.

Captain Combustible sighed and nodded. "Alright. We'll all meet here tomorrow to discuss what to do."

The plants agreed and went back to their rooms as the lights went out.

Green Shadow plopped down on her bed as Solar Flare sat on hers.

"So, how was it?" Solar Flare asked as she took off her goggles.

"How was what?" Green Shadow took off her mask.

"You know... finding everyone and making sure everyone's alright." Solar Flare put on a nightshirt. "How'd it go?"

Green Shadow undid her cape and put it on the side of her bed. "Tiring. Very tiring. But I'm glad everyone's back."

Green Shadow pulled the blanket over her. "I hope we can come up with a good enough plan to get the city back."

"The others will have some good plans." Solar Flare snickered as she lay in bed. "I'm not really the planning type."

"Oh knock it off." Green Shadow lightly shoved her. "You've come out with some pretty good plans."

"Like what?"

"You remember when Brain Freeze got really powerful during that blizzard?" Green Shadow sat up. "We couldn't even land a hit on him, but you stopped him with some hot steam."

Solar Flare hid her face under her pillow as Green Shadow continued.

"Then, you told me that there was that one time at the beach where you used a volleyball net to catch Neptuna." Green Shadow yanked the pillow away.

"Ok, ok. I have some good plans." Solar Flare laughed.

Green Shadow settled back down and heard Solar Flare do the same.

"Hey Flare?"


"After this fight is over, what do you wanna do?"

Solar Flare shrugged. "I don't know. I never thought about it." Solar Flare turned around. "What about you?"

"I don't know. But we'll all need a break after this fight."

Solar Flare smiled and agreed, before turning around.

Green Shadow turned towards the window and took a deep breath. She was finally back home.


Super Brainz stared at the night sky and sighed. There wasn't much going on in the city as he flew onto a roof.

The plants weren't back yet, the robot was completed, and the rest of the zombies were waiting on the plants to make a move if they were already back.

Super Brainz sat down on a lawn chair and stared at the city from the balcony. A part of him felt a little upset. He didn't know why, but he just couldn't shake that feeling.

Maybe it was from the conversation he had with Boogaloo. Maybe he didn't want to fight the plants. Or maybe it was something else entirely.

His communicator beeped twice, as Super Brainz picked it up.


"Super Brainz? You need to go to the northeast. It's urgent." Immorticia said. "I'm going to call the other zom-"

"What is it?"

"Penny's back. We need to tell the other zombie heroes, so they can-"

"Don't contact the heroes. I'll come meet you. Understand?" Super Brainz stood up.

"Yes sir. I understand."

Super Brainz flew to Immorticia's location and saw Penny in the driveway. He landed and ducked down with Immorticia.

"Ok, what do we do?"

"Report it to Zomboss?" Immorticia asked.

Super Brainz nodded. "Let them scheme. We know they're here, and now that we know, we can plan ahead."

"Alright." Immorticia stood up. "Let's go back."

Super Brainz smiled and started to walk back with Immorticia. He couldn't help but take one final look at the Plants hideout.

That feeling came over him again as he saw the lights go out.

Super Brainz shook his head. I have got to stay focused! The plants need to leave the city, and I don't care if we have to separate them again!

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