Chapter 10

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Green Shadow woke up to an empty car. She looked around and noticed that Crazy Dave, Grass Knuckles, and Solar Flare were gone.

Green Shadow quickly got out of Penny and noticed them sitting on a bench. Grass Knuckles was watching as Solar Flare tried to fly.

"Come on! I think I saw you go five feet!" Grass Knuckles shouted.

Solar Flare groaned and got up. She was looking a little bit like her old self as she tried again. Solar Flare got into position and ran forward before lighting up and flying. Solar Flare cheered before falling into a bush.

Grass Knuckles and Green Shadow ran towards her.

"You ok?" Green Shadow asked as she helped Solar Flare out of the bush.

"I'm fine." Solar Flare smiled and hugged Green Shadow.

"You got some distance." Grass Knuckles said.

"I know! That was so exciting!" Solar Flare smiled.

Solar Flare then fell to her knees.

("I think that's enough for today.") Crazy Dave said, picking her up.

Solar Flare nodded and smiled at the two plants.

"Where to next?" Green Shadow asked.

"Crazy Dave said we were heading way down south." Grass Knuckles responded.

The four got back into Penny before driving off from the little rest stop.

"And that's what happened." Solar Flare sighed.

"I can't believe they did that." Green Shadow clenched her fist and looked out the window.

They were now going over a bridge with a large body of water below them. Green Shadow listened to the ambience before dozing off.


Green Shadow awoke to a black room. She rubbed her eyes before looking around.

"Knuckles? Flare? Dave?" Green Shadow looked around before hearing the sound of an explosion.

Green Shadow instantly started to run as the room began to warp around her. The sounds of more explosions were being heard as Green Shadow continued to run.

As she ran, the room began to glow a faint red, that was before she heard someone shouting her name. Green Shadow continued to run, now being engulfed in the red glow.


Green shadow turned and saw the city engulfed in flames.


Green Shadow continued to run, not knowing where she was going, or supposed to go.


Green shadow stopped and turned to see a large spike stab itself into her body.


Green Shadow fell to the ground, she didn't feel anything as the shouting got fainter and fainter.


"SHADOW, wake up!"

Green Shadow shot awake. She looked around before looking at her stomach.

"Are you ok?" Solar Flare asked.

Green Shadow nodded and got up.

"Yeah, it was just a bad dream."

(Didn't sound like a bad dream, it sounded like you were in serious danger.") Crazy Dave responded.

Green Shadow sighed.

"I don't know how to put it, but I think... I think I died."

"You think?" Grass Knuckles raised his eyebrows.

"It was a dream, but... it felt so real."

"What happened in your dream?" Grass Knuckles hopped up beside Green Shadow.

"Like I said, I died."

Grass Knuckles put an arm around her and pulled her close.

"No one's going to die. Not while I'm around."


Three days later and the plants had reached their destination. A small town deep in some woods. Crazy Dave drove up to a gas station before hopping out and filling up the tank.

Green Shadow and Solar Flare got out of Penny and walked inside.

"You think we'll find someone here?" Solar Flare wondered.

"I hope so." Green Shadow said.

The two plants looked around for a bit before a man and a woman walked into the store and sat down at a table. The two humans seemed to glare at the plants and whisper.

Green Shadow noticed them and walked over.

"Excuse me, but could you help us with something?"

The man smiled and leaned down.

"Of course. What can we do for you?"

"We were just wondering if you've seen a plant in this area. Like one of us, only different."

The woman snickered.

"What type?"

"Have you seen a walnut around here? Or maybe a tree trunk?"

The couple shook their heads.

"Or maybe a mushroom or rose?"

The couple stopped and stared at each other.

"I think we know who you're talking about." The woman said.

Green Shadow nodded.

"They have a badge that's similar to me and Solar Flare's."

"But can they make people have horns?" The man stood up.

Green Shadow stepped forward.

"Well yeah. That's Rose. She's a magical rose and she's part of our team."

The man grinned before grabbing Green Shadow by the cape and slamming her against the table.

"SHADOW!" Solar Flare shouted out.

"Jenna! Take care of the sunflower, I got this one." The man hissed.

Jenna glared at Solar Flare before running after her. Solar Flare instantly flew out the door, making Jenna follow.

"That Rose did something unforgivable!" The man shouted.

"W-what did she do?"

The man took off his hat, revealing two small goat horns.

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