Chapter 15

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Green Shadow awoke back in Penny. Her cape and mask were off her, folded to the side. Green Shadow pushed off the blanket and noticed a bandage wrapped around her foot. Memories of what happened came rushing back as she got out of Penny.

Grass Knuckles, Nightcap, and Solar Flare were all sitting outside.

"Guys!" Green Shadow called out, causing them to turn.

Nightcap smiled and waved at her as she came over. "You feeling alright?"

Green Shadow nodded and sat down. "I'm fine. Neptuna's gone, right?"

"Yeah. Rose and Spudow are busy trying to clear the beach. We're just waiting for them to come back." Solar Flare responded.

"Crazy Dave's with them?"

Grass Knuckles nodded. "He is. He just told us to stay here and wait for you to wake up."

"How long have I been out, and what happened while I was out?"

"Well, Neptuna stabbed your foot and tried to kill you. Then Nightcap came from the woods and saved you." Solar Flare said casually.

"Glad to see you're awake Shadow!"

The four looked over and saw Rose, Spudow, and Crazy Dave walking over.

Grass Knuckles leaned back. "So, did you get the beach cleared?"

"We did. But now, we need to talk about something else."

Green Shadow tilted her head. "Something else?"

Rose sighed. "Two of us are going to have to go to back to Suburbia and guard the base. That is if Zomboss hasn't destroyed or taken it over yet."

The four plants were silent for a while until Solar Flare raised her leaf.

"I could go and take a quick look."


Rose nodded and opened up a portal before handing Solar Flare a communicator. "Please be careful dearie."

Solar Flare nodded and flew through the portal. When she came out the base looked just how she left it, nothing was touched or moved. Solar Flare climbed up the ladder and opened the base door to find all the plants huddled together in the green house. She stepped outside, expecting to find the yard dug up and destroyed, but she found nothing, well except that the house was boarded up. Solar Flare looked around and noticed that everyone was gone. No cars were in the driveways, and all the houses were boarded up.

Dr. Zomboss's flags hung from every single flag pole, and the TV's showed nothing but news outlets about the zombie attack. Solar Flare groaned and went back to the portal, walking through it and staring at Rose and the others.

"I've got good news and bad news." Solar Flare said.

Grass Knuckles sighed. "Give us the bad news first."

"Bad news? I totally thought-, never mind. Anyways, Dr. Zomboss has taken over the city and the TVs. But the good news is that our yard and base have been untouched. The house is boarded up and the plants are all in the greenhouse."

Rose paced around for a moment before she looked at Spudow. "I think you two should go back to Suburbia and stay low."

Spudow raised his eyebrow. "Stay low? What do you mean?"

Rose sighed and put her petals on Spudow's shoulders.

"Don't go outside. I need you two to stay low and out of harms way."

"Meaning?" Solar Flare pressed.

"Look, just don't get into trouble, and if something happens then just call us on the communicator. But for now, stay low."

Solar Flare and Spudow both nodded before turning to the others. Green Shadow hugged Spudow tightly before moving to Solar Flare.

"Don't worry Shadow, I'll be fine."

Green Shadow looked at Solar Flare and nodded. "Promise me you'll stay low?"

Solar Flare nodded. "I will. Don't worry."


Solar Flare and Spudow waved goodbye before stepping into the portal. As soon as the portal vanished, Green Shadow turned towards Penny.

"Alright. We've got plants to save. Dave, where are we going next?"

Crazy Dave pulled out a map and pointed to France.

"Well, looks like we're going to Paris." Nightcap said.

Rose, Nightcap, Grass Knuckles and Green Shadow got into Penny, while Crazy Dave started up the engine. Rose cast a spell which opened up a portal.

Green Shadow watched as Penny drove into the portal before shortly coming out into a small forest.

"Aren't we supposed to be in the city?" Nightcap raised an eyebrow.

("We are, but we'll have to go tomorrow.") Crazy Dave said, gesturing to the night sky.

The plants nodded and soon everyone was asleep. Everyone except Green Shadow.

Green Shadow slowly opened Penny's door and walked outside, closing it behind her. She slumped against Penny and looked up at the twinkling stars.

What's happening to me? I have that dream about getting impaled, and now I'm nearly getting stabbed or impaled.

Green Shadow wished Solar Flare stayed behind. She sighed and took off her badge before looking at it.

"Who's next? Who's still safe?" She asked it.

"Shadow? Is everything alright?"

Green Shadow shot up and turned to the left. Nightcap was standing at the closed door looking at her.

Green Shadow sat back down and pulled her hood over. "I'm fine. I just wanted to be alone."

Nightcap took a deep breath and sat down next to her. "Something's going on, and I can tell."

Green Shadow folded her leaves. You have to tell him.

"I had a dream recently, and it was of me dying." Green Shadow said. "I was impaled by this spike, and now it's almost like...". Tears started falling as Green Shadow struggled to speak.

Nightcap patted Green Shadow on the back. "It's ok. I can tell you don't wanna talk about it."

"No. I just need to get this off my chest. Ever since that dream... it's almost like the world wants me to die. I was nearly stabbed, nearly fell into a spike pit, and was nearly killed by Neptuna!" Green Shadow gestured to her bandaged foot.

"You know we'd never let that happen. We'd never let you, or anyone else die." Nightcap said.

Green Shadow looked at him.

"I was scared when I was hit with that ray. I thought I was going to die. But I didn't. I landed on this island and I didn't know what to do. I was scared that everyone was dead. I spent days wondering that, days. When I saw Penny, Crazy Dave, and Knuckles, I was so happy. I was happy that you guys were alive and that's all that mattered." Nightcap teared up.

"I was scared too." Green Shadow wiped away some tears. "When I saw all of you guys getting zapped, I thought the worst. I thought you guys were dead, and that just tore me apart. You guys are family to me. Even though we're not related, I always saw us as a happy little family."

Nightcap pulled Green Shadow into a hug.

"I'm glad I wasn't the only one."

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