Chapter 29

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"Shadow, you need to get off the field! You're hurt badly!" Beta-Carrotina got in front of her.

Green Shadow put her leaf in front of her. "No. It's just my shoulder. I can do this."

Rose turned to Beta-Carrotina. "I'll go get Spudow and tell him to come to the battlefield. Something tells me you'll need his strength."

"And what about you?"

"I need to go and tend to the others. I'm the only healer on this team of plants." Rose pulled out her wand and nodded at Beta-Carrotina.

Rose teleported off the field as a loud bang was heard.

The robot crashed into a wall as colorful sparks danced around its chest. Electric Boogaloo and Citron stood proudly to the side.

"It won't be down for long." Citron sighed.

"Get over here you two!" Green Shadow shouted as the two ran towards the plants.

Super Brainz landed and winced at his bloody leg. "Listen, we gotta do something about that robot. I don't care what the plan is anymore. We need to stop it before anyone else gets hurt!"

"We've already lost five members." Rustbolt ran over. "Immorticia's taken Impfinity out of the battle, and Professor Brainstorm's trying to gain control over the robot from a safe distance." Rustbolt sat down. "Do we have any ideas? Because that robot's already getting up." Rustbolt gestured to the now moving robot.

"We made a dent in its back. All we have to do is strike there." Captain Combustible came forward.

The others nodded and glanced at the robot as it continued to cause havoc.

"Ok, we need a distraction team and an aiming team." Super Brainz put his hands on his hips. "Any volunteers?"

Electric Boogaloo, Wall-Knight, Captain Combustible, and Beta-Carrotina all stepped forward.

"Alright. The rest of us will try and aim for the back." Super Brainz flew off.

Green Shadow ripped off a part of her cape and wrapped it around her shoulder. She climbed up a ladder and watched as Electric Boogaloo and Wall-Knight fired at it.

The two dodged a barrage of bullets before Beta-Carrotina and Captain Combustible blasted the robot back.


Green Shadow saw Spudow running towards the others. She got onto the roof and grabbed her shoulder in pain.

"Spudow, get back!" Wall-Knight shouted as Spudow ignored his warning.

Spudow punched the robot and sent it back. He continued to punch it until the robot grabbed Spudow's arm.

"SPUDOW!" Beta-Carrotina flew towards the robot.

The robot pointed its laser at Beta-Carrotina, making her stop.

"Don't hurt her!" Spudow slammed into the robot, making its laser barely miss Beta-Carrotina.

"ARE YOU INSANE?!" Citron shouted from a rooftop. "You could've been hurt!"

Spudow kicked the robot back and stepped back a few feet.

"What the heck is that dumb spud doing?" Super Brainz flew down a little.

"I don't know, but I'm not waiting around to find out." Green Shadow fired out a Precision Blast.

The blast hit the robot's back just as Spudow punched it in the head.


"Nice shot!" Citron shouted.

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