Chapter 28

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Everyone scattered as the robot fired the laser.

Green Shadow could feel the heat from the laser as she jumped onto a ladder.

"Hey! Over here!"

A rock smashed into the robot as it turned around.

Grass Knuckles, Wall-Knight, Impfinity, and Z-Mech were all standing a good distance behind the robot. Grass Knuckles and Z-Mech both stood in-front of the other two and they prepared to attack.

What on earth are they doing?! Green Shadow clung to the ladder tightly as she watched them intently.

Z-Mech picked up a large piece of debris and threw it at the robot. He smiled and pressed a button, releasing a ton of rockets and bombs at it.

The robot turned towards them as Grass Knuckles chucked another piece of debris at it.

"We're slowing it down!" Grass Knuckles laughed as he dodged a barrage of bullets.

"You guys are going to get yourselves killed!" Beta-Carrotina flew to Green Shadow's side.

"Can you go check on Solar Flare and the others?" Green Shadow pointed to the area. I need to make sure they're all safe."

"Sure." Beta-Carrotina gave Green Shadow a small smile and flew off.

Green Shadow climbed down the ladder and ran to Captain Combustible and Rose's side. "Ok, what do we do now?"

"Blast it. It's got its back turned to us." Captain Combustible readied an attack. "If one attack from this thing can completely knock us out, then we have to stop it from attacking."

Green Shadow picked up a shield and gave it to Captain Combustible. "Here. If the robot does fire its laser, then you'll need to defend yourself."

Rose pointed her wand at the robot and Green Shadow prepared a Precision blast.


The two nodded and fired their attacks with Captain Combustible.

The attacks hit the back of the robot, making it stumble forward. The metal on the back was dented deeply, and a few wires were poking out.

"We got a weak point!" Green Shadow shouted to the others.

"Nice work Shadow!" Grass Knuckles called out as he threw a large rock at the robot.

The robot whipped around toward them and made a loud clanking noise. Grass Knuckles, Z-Mech, Wall-Knight, and Impfinity backed up and started running as the robot pointed its laser at them.

The laser fired as Z-Mech raised an arm to protect himself and Grass Knuckles.

"Get out of the area!" Grass Knuckles shouted to Wall-Knight as the laser struck the two.



Green Shadow, Immorticia, Wall-Knight, and Impfinity ran towards the two as Nightcap and Electric Boogaloo distracted the robot.

Immorticia and Impfinity yanked Z-Mech out of the smoking mech, while Green Shadow grabbed Grass Knuckles's burn leaf.

"Knuckles!" Tears started to stream down Green Shadow's cheeks as she looked at his faintly breathing body.

"We gotta get him out of here!" Wall-Knight shouted.

A leaf grabbed Green Shadow's cloak. Grass Knuckles weakly looked up at her as he smiled.

"I'm not done yet." He wheezed. "I can still fight." He squeezed Green Shadow's leaf tightly.

"No way. You're hurt." Green Shadow glanced at his mangled right leaf. "I can't pick you up on my own."

Grass Knuckles struggled to get up as Spudow ran to their aid.

"Spudow, take Knuckles to where the others are."

"Now wait just a sec-"

Spudow picked up Grass Knuckles and flinched as he saw his mangled leaf.

"Knuckles I can't let you fight in this condition!" Green Shadow shouted.

Spudow took Grass Knuckles away as Green Shadow turned her attention to the robot.

Lightning lit up the sky as rain started to pour down in sheets.

"I hope that a bolt of lightning strikes the robot." Wall-Knight ran to join the battle.

Green Shadow took a deep breath and fired a precision blast at the robot before joining Wall-Knight.

"Alright, we need a new plan." Wall-Knight skimmed the battlefield.

"Come up with one quickly! I think the robot's got another plan!" Green Shadow pointed at the robot.

The robot turned to a building and shot at the bottom of it.

Instantly, glass shards and debris flew out from the building as it exploded.

"Run!" Super Brainz shouted before a glass shard shot through his leg.

Green Shadow turned to run before a shard of glass shot into her shoulder.

Green Shadow screamed in pain as she saw a part of the shard sticking out of her shoulder.

"Shadow! We gotta get you out of here!" Beta-Carrotina flew to Green Shadow's aid.

"I can remove it." Green Shadow spat as she grabbed the shard.

"No, we need to retreat. Nightcap, Chompzilla, Neptuna, and Impfinity are all down!"

Pain shot through her shoulder and leaf as she struggled to rip out the shard. Tears welled up in her eyes as she tried to not cry.

I can't let this robot destroy the city!

Green Shadow ripped the shard from her shoulder and turned to the robot. "I'm not leaving until this robot is gone!"

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