Chapter 19

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Green Shadow, Rose, and Grass Knuckles all ran in-front of Crazy Dave.

"We can explain everything, just don't shoot!" Green Shadow shouted.

"Chompzilla's our friend. We took her back to our base because she was hurt by you!" Grass Knuckles snapped.

The men didn't lower their guns, making Green Shadow anxious. "Rose what do we do?" Green Shadow asked.

Rose sighed and waved her wand before pointing it at the three men. Instantly they were turned into goats.

The men freaked out and started running in circles, baaing and falling over.

"Let's just go. Rose responded.

The four got back into Penny as Rose teleported them away. Green Shadow put a leaf on her chest and sighed.

"That was close. You think they'll turn back?" Green Shadow looked at Rose.

"In about five hours." Rose sat down. "I had to do it. They were going to shot him if I didn't."

"(Thanks Rose.)" Crazy Dave got out of Penny and looked at the flat before poking back in. "(Looks like I need a new wheel.)"

"Gas is about a mile." Grass Knuckles peered out the window. "Better whisk up another portal Rose."

"Alright. I'll whisk up a portal and get us to a gas station, then we head off to our next location."

"Which is just a state away." Grass Knuckles responded.


Penny sat at the gas station as Crazy Dave worked on the tire. Green Shadow looked around before noticing a small little building beside the gas station. It read "Tarot Card readings and Dreamcatchers," in bright neon lights.

"Hey Knuckles, you think that place can help me?" Green Shadow pointed to the building and tilted her head.

Grass Knuckles nodded. "Let's go take a look."

The two plants walked inside the building and looked around before a woman came out. She was wearing a colorful scarf and had the most largest hoop earrings ever.

"How can I help you two out? My name is Kya, and I'm the owner of this little building."

"My friend is having some reoccurring nightmares. Do you think you can help her?" Grass Knuckles gestured to Green Shadow.

Kya nodded. "Of course. Come with me."

Green Shadow followed Kya into the back room and sat on a stool while Kya got some weird bottles off the shelves.

"What are those for?" Green Shadow asked.

Kya held up her hand as she got a piece of paper out. "Here, hold this."

Green Shadow nodded and held the paper as Kya poured a bottle into a white bowl. "So, what are you going to do?"

"Hold the paper over the bowl and tell me the dream once I light the bowl." Kya motioned for Green Shadow to get off the stool.

Green Shadow walked over and held the paper over the bowl. "Now what?"

Kya struck a match. "Close your eyes and recite the dream to me."

Green Shadow closed her eyes. "Well, I was in a burning city and there were voices calling out to me. I kept running until there was a sharp pain in my stomach. Then I was thrown into this building and saw the robot from the parade. I tried to fight it, but it blasted me. That's when I woke up."

"Open your eyes and look at the paper."

Green Shadow opened her eyes and looked down, almost dropping the paper in fright. On the paper was the smoky figure of the robot. Two dark figures seemed to be getting hurt by it. One was thrown to the ground, while the other was thrown into the air.

"What does this mean?" Green Shadow teared up.

Kya sighed and sat down. "My dear plant, someone might die in the burning city."

"What can I do to stop it?" Green Shadow clenched her leaf. "Please, tell me."

Kya looked at Green Shadow. "Remain calm and think through your problems."

Green Shadow scowled. "But I can't! How can I remain calm if someone might die?"

Kya gave Green Shadow a small dreamcatcher. "I cannot say. Just remember what I told you."


Green Shadow walked out with the paper and dreamcatcher. She sat next to Grass Knuckles and sighed.

"How was it?"

"I don't wanna talk about it." Green Shadow looked away.

"Don't tell me she scammed you."

"She didn't scam me, she just said a few words I didn't like."

"Like what?"

Green Shadow looked at Grass Knuckles. "Someone might die, and remain calm, and think through your problems." Green Shadow handed the paper to him and continued. "I'm just really confused right now." Green Shadow held up the dreamcatcher. "But I hope this thing actually works."

"(It should. Dreamcatchers catch the bad dreams so you can have good ones.)" Crazy Dave walked to Penny's door and opened it. "(But come on. We gotta get going.)"

Green Shadow and Grass Knuckles both got into Penny and sat down. Rose glanced over at the two and smiled.

"So, how was the psychic?"

Green Shadow flopped into Grass Knuckles and groaned. "Let me tell you what happened."


Dr. Zomboss paced around his lab. From what he had heard, the plants were still looking for the rest of their team. He had called back his team in order to plan for when the plants returned.

"Everyone, once the plants return, we will be fighting them." Dr. Zomboss folded his arms. "The reason why is because they'll try and reclaim the city and all our hard work will be flushed down the drain." Dr. Zomboss pulled down a map of the city. "So I went ahead and made a few plans."

"But what about the plants? They must be planning something as well." Electric Boogaloo explained.

Dr. Zomboss broke out laughing before stopping and sitting down. "They're too busy to plan an attack. We have the upper hand"

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