Chapter 26

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"Alright, we head out tonight, face the zombies, and hopefully win." Captain Combustible pointed to the whiteboard.

"You said hope. What. Are we going to lose again?" Wall-Knight raised an eyebrow.

"You can never be too sure, Wall-Knight." Citron walked over. "Dr. Zomboss still has that robot, and he could've rebuilt it."

Green Shadow looked up at the ceiling and sighed. She didn't want to believe that Dr. Zomboss had rebuilt the robot.

"Well, if he's built that robot, I can just destroy it again." Solar Flare proudly stood up. "After all, I did prevent the robot from reaching Shadow, and who knows what could've happened if that happened."

"Yeah, but Zomboss might've done something to the robot, so you can't just destroy it in one shot." Nightcap pointed out.

"We all need to be prepared for the worst." Captain Combustible said. "I told Dave to evacuate the plants and people in case the fight carries over here."

Captain Combustible continued. "We have to stick to the plan and make sure no one gets shot by the robot. We'll grab a few metal plates before we leave."


Green Shadow, Solar Flare, Wall-Knight, Grass Knuckles, Nightcap, and Spudow, all stared at the city from the lookout post.

"If I'm going to be honest, I'm not ready to fight." Spudow rubbed his arm. "It's just all coming so fast, and I personally think that maybe we should've planned more."

"I'm just nervous." Green Shadow sat on the railing. "This fight's gonna be pretty big, and we can't afford to lose." Green Shadow glanced down at Crazy Dave, who was helping the plants evacuate.

Crazy Dave looked up at Green Shadow, and gave a small wave before helping a Sunflower out.

"I'm nervous too." Solar Flare turned and leaned against the railing. "I just feel like we might lose."

Dark gray clouds started to cover the sky as Green Shadow looked on. She rubbed her neck and took a shaky breath. She was never this nervous before, so why was she freaking out now?

Was it that nightmare? Was it the robot that was possibly rebuilt?

A strong wind blew against them as they looked at the stormy clouds. The six plants looked at each other before going back inside.


"You have to do it! Do you want to get in trouble!?" Immorticia shouted as Electric Boogaloo covered his ears.

"I don't want to hurt them! Not after they just got back!" Electric Boogaloo stamped his foot in defiance.

Super Brainz sighed and stood up. "Boogaloo, please. I understand that this is hard for you, but we need to do this. Dr. Zomboss is counting on us."

Electric Boogaloo looked down. "I know."

Super Brainz put his hand on Boogaloo's shoulder. "I understand how you feel, but this is important to us, and to Zomboss." Super Brainz explained. "We can't let him down."

"I know, but-"

"But nothing." Super Brainz stepped back and turned to the others. "We leave at sunset."

The other zombie heroes cheered as Super Brainz walked over to them. Electric Boogaloo took a deep breath, and started walking towards Super Brainz.

He's right. I can't let Dr. Zomboss down. But still, I don't like challenging them right after they've all gotten back.

Electric Boogaloo sat down and glanced up at the stormy clouds. He wondered if the plants were still planning, or already in the city.


("Call me if things get too tough.") Crazy Dave hugged Rose before he knelt down to Solar Flare.

"Please be careful David." Rose gripped her wand tightly.

Crazy Dave laughed and looked up at Rose. ("I should be telling you that.")

Crazy Dave stood up and stepped back. ("I'm glad that you're all reunited. The sun's setting, and I hope things go well.") Crazy Dave took off his pot. ("You guys... you guys be careful, ok?")

"We'll be fine." Green Shadow nodded and wiped away a few tears. "I think it's time to go."

Captain Combustible took a step forward. "Alright team, let's move out."

The plants waved goodbye to Crazy Dave and started to make their way to the city.

Green Shadow took one last look at Penny as it drove down the street. Her body was shaking as she turned back to the others.

Grass Knuckles put his lead on Green Shadow's shoulder. "You're going to be fine. We're all here, and we're all going to fight."

"Yeah." Solar Flare held up a metal plate. "Nothing's going to stop us now."

Green Shadow took a look around the city. Empty and filled with zombies. She thought to herself as she kicked a small rock.

The plants all stopped at the finished statue of Dr. Zomboss. They put their metal plates down and stared up at it.

"Looks like we're the first one's here." Citron skimmed the area. "We should be alert. They could be hiding in the shadows."

"You're right." Beta-Carrotina replied. "They're possibly watching us right now."

"Possibly? We all have our eyes on you!"

The plants held up their metal plates and looked around before they noticed the zombies on top of a roof.

"Trying to take back the city?" Super Brainz rolled his eyes. "We've already claimed this city as our territory. So kindly leaf." Super Brainz smirked and waved his hand.

"Yeah right. We're not going anywhere." Green Shadow's eyes glowed. "This city belongs to the people, not you."

Super Brainz jumped down from the roof and landed. "Then why haven't they come back to reclaim what belongs to them?"

Green Shadow blasted him with a few peas before dodging a laser attack.

The other zombie heroes came down as well and stared at the plant heroes.

Professor Brainstorm walked forward. "Plants, we are giving you one last chance. Surrender, or die!" Professor Brainstorm pressed a button.

A large robot jumped down from the building and pointed a few laser guns at them.

The plants all looked terrified as the robot started to power up its laser.

"SHIELDS, NOW!" Captain Combustible shouted.

The plants raised up their metal plates and held them together as they heard the laser fire.

I hope this works! Green Shadow shut her eyes.

The blast hit the shields and a loud bang was heard. The plants lowered the shields and saw that the robot was overheating.

"Spread out and find a way to defeat that robot!" Captain Combustible ordered.

"Zombies, attack!" Super Brainz shouted.

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