Chapter 27

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The zombies ran towards them as the plants all separated. Solar Flare shot a ball of fire at Brain Freeze, while Rose blocked a spell from Immorticia.

Green Shadow dodged a kick and shot a Precision Blast at Super Brainz. "You don't deserve this city!" Green Shadow fired a few peas.

Super Brainz punched Green Shadow in the face and stood over her. "Yes we do!"

Green Shadow's eyes glowed, and she blasted him point blank in the chest.

Super Brainz cried out in pain and fell back. He held his chest and stared at her as he hopped to his feet again.

Green Shadow got into a fighting stance before she heard a whirring noise behind her.

The robot was up again, and was now walking towards them!

Green Shadow tried to fire at the robot, but was knocked away by Super Brainz.

The robot pointed a laser at Green Shadow, and fired as she dodged.

Part of her cape was sliced off as she flipped over. Green Shadow noticed Solar Flare and Brain Freeze still fighting as the robot pointed its laser at them.

"FLARE! THE ROBOT!" Green Shadow shouted as Super Brainz attacked her again.

Solar Flare and Brain Freeze stopped fighting and looked up as the laser fired.

A loud explosion rocked the area as everyone collectively stopped fighting.

"Flare!" Nightcap and Green Shadow ran over to where the smoke was clearing.

Solar Flare lay unconscious. Her body was burned and bruised. A large gash had been sliced across her face, some of her petals had been burned off, and her goggles had been broken.

Brain Freeze was also unconscious. His mask and gloves had completely disintegrated, and most of his fur had been burned off.

"The robot's not... the robot's laser isn't....". Professor Brainstorm stared at the two.

A loud whirring made the plants and zombies stop and look towards the robot.

It was preparing to fire another laser at them!

Rose and Immorticia instantly stood in front of the group and created a shield.

"SMASH, RUSTBOLT! Get Brain Freeze out of here!" Immorticia shouted.

Rustbolt quickly helped The Smash get Brain Freeze out of the area, while Spudow picked up Solar Flare and ran.

The shield broke, and the robot stepped back.

"Super Brainz, what do we do?" Electric Boogaloo turned to him quickly.

"I don't know. What I do know is that we have to take the robot down."

The robot instantly pointed its second arm at the group and they all scattered. Bullets instantly started firing at them as they fled.

Super Brainz bit his lip as he flew up. He knew that the zombies couldn't fight the plants and the robot at the same time. But now that the robot had turned on them, they wouldn't be able to hold their own.

We have to work together...

"If you help us take down this robot, the city's yours again! Deal?" Super Brainz shouted.

Green Shadow and Captain Combustible ducked into an alleyway. "Deal!"

"Alright, anyone got a plan?" Nightcap dodged a round of bullets. "Cause, we need to take down this robot before he destroys the whole city!"

"Maybe we can use those shields again?" Neptuna gestured to the metal plates. "You used them and the robot overheated." Neptuna spun her trident around and deflected the bullets.

Professor Brainstorm ran over and threw a metal plate to Citron. "Here. If the robot tries to fire its laser again, you need to see if it works!"

Citron caught the metal plate and sighed. "Ok, but if I get hurt, you owe me!"

The robot aimed its laser arm at Citron and fired as Citron raised the metal plate. The laser hit, and Citron started to skid backwards.

"Thanks Citron." Professor Brainstorm fired at the robot and sent it back. "Now we know what to do."

"Alright. Knuckles, Wall-Knight. You two distract the robot." Captain Combustible ordered.

Grass Knuckles opened his mouth, but grabbed a shield and muttered something to Wall-knight as they ran off.

"Impfinity, you and Z-Mech go join them." Neptuna gestured to the retreating plants.


Neptuna cut Impfinity off. "Go."

The two imps nodded and ran off.

"I hope your mech has enough power!" Impfinity shouted as the two joined up with the two plants.

"Ok, now that they're going to distract the robot, we need to come up with a way to take down the robot without getting anyone else hurt." Green Shadow adjusted her cape.


The Smash ran towards the robot as the plants and zombies got out of his way.


Immorticia didn't even finish her sentence as The Smash punched the robot in the face.

The robot stumbled back as The Smash grabbed it's arms and started to push it back. The robot stopped itself and wrenched it's arm free, making The Smash stop.

"Get out of there!" Rustbolt started to run towards him. "Stop fighting!"

The Smash turned around as the robot pointed its laser at The Smash's chest.

The Smash cried out in pain as he was sent flying into a brick wall.

Immorticia, Rustbolt, and Huge-Gigantacus raced over to him as Citron put up the metal plate again.

The Smash was burnt and bleeding from several large gashes on his body, his chest was bruised heavily, but it was obvious that some ribs had snapped.

"Oh my god." Rose covered her mouth.

A loud whir and clank made the plants and zombies stop.

The robot's arms came together and formed an even bigger laser!


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