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Third Person POV
"So, how does it feel?" The tattoo artist, Treyvon, asked as he finished rubbing Jane's forearm with petroleum jelly.

"Ugh, it still hurts." Jane winced, taking a look at her new rose tattoo.

"Oh come on, I just had to do a bit more detail on the petals" Trey defended.

"Doesn't change the fact that it hurts, Trey" Jane groaned.

Trey rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Just make sure you take this bandage off in twenty-four hours and that you wash it with the soap I gave you."

"Got it." Jane slowly got out of her chair.

"...One more thing" Trey said.

"What?" Jane groaned.

"...Take your transition slow" Trey advised. "Even though you grew up with this, it's more dangerous once you get a role in it. Just promise me that you won't do anything stupid like last time."

Jane smiled before going over to Treyvon, giving him a side hug with her left arm.

"I promise" Jane mumbled.

Treyvon wrapped his arms around her, giving her a hug that didn't put too much pressure on her. After about a minute, he let go of Jane and ruffled her hair.

"Alright, now get outta here so you won't be late" Treyvon said.

Jane ran towards the door. "Bye, Tray."

"Bye!" Trey waved her off.

Jane exited the door and once it was closed, she turned to her left to see the rest of her friends still sitting down on the waiting bench.

They all wore white bandages where their new tattoo had been placed.


"How come Sin gets the rose with the spider and the web and we don't?" Emma asked.

"It's basically so people can know the role of each person in the household" Jane explained. "For the bosses, they get the full picture of the rose. For spouses, they only get the rose with a spider web. For subordinates—"

"They only get a rose?" Emma asked.

"Exactly" Lucas answered.

"But what does it represent, exactly?" Emma asked. "Don't get me wrong, it's very ominous on it's own. But what does it specifically symbolize?"

"It's just a way to show which unit you're protected by" Nathan answered. "Most of the organizations that have tattooed members do something like that too."

"Mr. Nathan!"

The group turned behind them to see Rebecca running down the hall, dressed in her usual maid outfit.

"What is it?" Nathan asked.

"Mr. Black has ordered me to see if you and your friends were finished with your tattoos" Rebecca answered. "I also had to remind you that you have to to get dressed soon."

"Oh right, the ceremony" Jane said.

"Tell him that we'll be ready before five" Nathan said. "And don't run in the hall so much."

"Okay, sir!" Rebecca retreated back down the hall.

"Wow Sin, you're a natural at this" Xena complimented.

"I have to be, or else Dad'll think I haven't taken his instructions to heart" Nathan said.

"I've been meaning to ask since last week, so I'm just gonna ask now" Emma spoke. "How are we supposed to keep our identities hidden, besides wearing a mask on missions? Like when we order clothes, do we use our real identity or someone else's?"

"That'll actually be explained later at the ceremony" Nathan answered. "So, hold on to that question."

Xena sighed. "This is actually happening."


"Nathan, I know this has been a rocky road for you" Griffin spoke. "Are you and your friends sure you want to do this?"

"Yeah, we're giving you all an out in this" Lillian added on. "You could simply live peacefully while we do the work. No need to have recurring jobs or responsibilities, you could just...live luxuriously. Like Luna, Victor, Precious, Alex, and even Vincent."

"Mom, Dad, I appreciate the offer" Nathan spoke. "Unfortunately, I, along with the other three, are going to have to decline your offer. Due to the fact that Xena and Emma are newcomers of the house, it would be more dangerous for them if they don't acquire any prowess in case anything happens. Xena has agreed to be on the frontlines as well while Emma decided on being useful without leaving the mansion."

"Is that your final decision?" Adonis asked.

I nodded.

Griffin smirked. "Then, I guess that settles it."

He held out his hand to Nathan.

"Welcome to the business, son!" Griffin announced.

"Feels good to be in the driver's seat, Dad" Nathan agreed, shaking his hand.

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