~𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 60~

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chapter 60

Third Person POV
Two months later

"Sure!" Sofia answered. "What do you want me to paint it in?"

"...GREEN, SOFIA! GREEN!" Isaac yelled.

"Oh, right" Sofia nervously laughed.

"Dumbass" Nathan chuckled, turning slightly in the black wheeled chair.

"Shut up!" Sofia rolled her eyes. "At least I'm actually doing work, while you just lounge around in the only rolling chair in the room."

"Since you wanna be fast mouthed, I'll have you know that I just finished lugging twenty four pounds of paint each up these very stairs just now" Nathan explained. "And there were ten cans to lug up with two cans each in my hand, so in total, I carried 240 pounds in total."

Sofia rolled her eyes, popping in a pink, watermelon flavored lolipop. "Whatever."


"Alright everyone, enjoy the rest of your day!" Ms. Rocher said. "Except for you failed attempts for a main male role. You all can go prance around in your own disappointment."

"Geez, that's harsh" Sofia said.

"Well, at least we understand where she's coming from" Xena pointed out.

"LINE UP THE POSTERS ON THE WALL!" Isaac instructed.

After about a few seconds, the half painted posters were set against the white wall at the back of the stage. In that same period of time, the others came waltzing in with their bags.

"So, how'd it go with the vocalists?" Sofia asked.

"They're surprisingly fast learners" Jane explained. "At this rate, they mastered the fundamentals and are ready to act. What about your end?"

Isaac sighed. "The art students are getting far with painting the posters. Though, Ms. Rocher is still struggling to find a leading man out of all these amateur boys."

"Reminds me of just how many kids in this school have no talent yet want fame" Nathan added.

"Well, forget all that" Zane said, getting in front of the group. "Do you know what day is tomorrow?"

"Umm...the day your balls drop?" Isaac asked.

"What? No."

"The day you buy stuff with your own money?" Nathan asked.


"The day you become a man?" Lucas asked.

Zane slapped his forehead. "A simple 'I don't know' would've sufficed."

"Then what is tomorrow?" Xena asked.

Jane giggled. "It's Zane's birthday."

"Oh, really?!" Isaac questioned. "In that case, ha—"

Zane slapped his hand over Isaac's mouth. "I appreciate the gesture but save it for tomorrow afternoon."

"Woah there, buddy." Isaac pulled Zane's hand away. "I know we're friends and all, but don't get too handsy."

Zane knitted his eyebrows in confusion and Isaac just winked at him in response. Xena stared at the two with wide eyes.

"Great, the weirdness is spreading" Emma grumbled. "But what were you talking about, Zane?"

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