~𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 54~

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chapter 54

Nathan's POV
"So Emma, how was your checkup?" Jane asked after rolling down the white mat at the back of the stage.

"Hm? Oh, it was good" Emma answered. "Since the glasses were indeed not in my prescription, I got my eyes examined. So next Wednesday, I have to go back with my Dad to pick up my new prescribed glasses."

"See? I knew everything was gonna turn out good" Sofia said.

"Also, how has your tutoring been going with Lucas?" Jane asked.

"Since when were you interested?" Lucas asked.

"I need to know since we made a deal with Miss Lillian, remember?" Jane answered.

"Since you're so interested, Jane, I'll have you know that Lucas is almost done with the stack of assignments he had to do" Emma answered.

"Really?!" Zane asked.

Emma giggled. "Well, no. In fact, we're only down to sixteen pages."

"Out of how much?" Sofia asked.

"Twenty eight" Emma answered. "Since I can't really see well now, I decided to take a few days off until I can get my contacts."


"Alright you eight, get to your places!" Ms. Rocher instructed.

The rest of us got up from the stage floor and went to take a seat on the folding chairs as the students began entering the auditorium.

"Alright participants, since I'm still looking for someone to play the role of my prince, I'll be separating the participants into four groups!" Ms. Rocher announced. "Isaac, you'll be handling the art participants. Zane, you and your friends will be with the actors. Mrs. Clark will be with the instrumental participants while I continue to find the role of Duke."

"On it, Ma'am!" Zane nodded.

"Actors, go to Room 153" Ms. Rocher instructed. "Instrumental students, go with Mrs. Clark to the music room. Isaac, you go with the art students to the back of the stage. Chop chop, everyone!"

"So, who's coming with me?" Zane asked.

"I'll come with" Jane said. "Lucas too."

"Me too" Emma added, grabbing onto Jane's arm. "Just so I could have my walking support."

"I'm staying with Isaac" Sofia said. "He's gonna need all the help he could get."

"Well, I do wanna see who's lucky enough to get the role of duke so I'll stay here" I shrugged.

"Yeah, me too" Xena mumbled.

"CHOP! CHOP!" Ms. Rocher repeated.

"Oh right, we'll see you guys at gym!" Zane said, running down the steps with the others behind him.

Once the others were out of the auditorium, it was just me, Sofia, Isaac, and Xena left.

"Well president, time to get to work" Sofia said.

"Right" Isaac mumbled.

Isaac walked onto the stage, going behind the black curtains as the rest of us followed behind him. The art students silently behind the curtains, looking up at Isaac as he sat down in a blue chair.


"Do any of you have any questions before I start?" Isaac asked.

A boy raised his hand.

"Yes?" Isaac asked.

"Is this play gonna get viewed to the whole school?"

"Unfortunately, yes" Isaac answered. "Which is why we can't afford to embarrass ourselves."

"But then that means Vanessa and her group will come, too. What if they bully us?"

"Yeah, and if they beat us up? Is it possible to have days off of rehearsal?"

Suddenly, a whole bunch of students started talking

Isaac sighed. "This is more complicated than I thought."

"Alright, look!" Sofia spoke, catching the students' attention. "I know things have been fucked up since Vanessa came back. Frankly, I'm not fond of having those insects here, either."

The students gasped.

"Oh, you know I'm right" Sofia said. "My point is...this isn't about Vanessa, Tod, the principals, or anyone else. This is about us, showing off our talents to show everyone that entertainment doesn't need to rely on negative factors. So, let's work our butts off and prove to these jerks that we can do it as long as we know how to not mind them!"

"Wow, lovely speech!" I scoffed. "It almost moved me to tears."

"Aw, is Mister Popular mad that I have my way with words more than him?" Sofia smirked.

"I choose not to sway people so there's nothing to be mad about" I clarified. "And even if this little show of yours improves your status, it's getting nowhere near mine."

Sofia pouted, sticking her tongue out at me, making me chuckle in response.

I can't deny it, that pout was cute.

"Um, if you two are done flirting now, I'd like to get started on the paintings now" Isaac interrupted.

"You clearly haven't seen me flirt before" Sofia scoffed.

Isaac shook his head. "Whatever. Xena, wheel in the cart!"

"Already on it, prez!" Xena then walked up to Isaac with a rolling table with twelve paints on top of it and cardboard props at the bottom.

"I need you all to paint the cardboard props with the designated color that's written on them" Isaac instructed. "Now, spread yourselves out while you sit on the floor! Remember, it's okay to get your hands dirty once in a while!"

The twelve students began sitting on the floor, spread out onto the wooden floor as the yellow stage lights shined down on them.

"For each paint can, you're gonna have to rotate and share them to each other!" Isaac instructed.

"Wow Isaac, you're doing great on the first day of being president" Sofia complimented. "Let's just hope this doesn't interfere with your daily life."

"Don't jinx me" Isaac said.

"Alright alright" Sofia put her hands up. "But just keep that in mind."

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