~𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 69~

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chapter 69

Third Person POV
Morning rolled by and along with it, ninety degree heatwaves. The girls had been in the living room, all dressed in shorts, cooling themselves down in front of one of the air conditioners.

"Why did it start getting hot all of a sudden?" Emma asked.

"Ask mother nature, not me" Sofia sighed, scrolling through her phone.

Jane looked into the kitchen, seeing Lillian and Aiden drinking out of blue, matching 'Can't Talk, I'm Drinking' mugs as they sat down in grey bar stools.

"Miss Lillian, when will the boys be back~?" Jane whined. "I'm dying here."

Lillian didn't answer, staring down into her mug as she gripped it tightly. Aiden looked at her, letting out a chuckle.

"Come on, not even a hint?" Jane pleaded.

Aiden and Lillian both shook their heads.

"Oh right, quiet chaperoning" Sofia reminded. "Guess it wasn't just a bluff."

".....Hm? Oh, you're back!" Lillian addressed in a cheery tone.

The girls turned around to see the boys walking into the door, drenching in sweat as Nathan, Zane, and Lucas each brought in a pack of glass bottled drinks while Isaac carried a red cooler filled with ice.

"How was the trip?" Jane snickered.

Nathan stuck up his middle finger at her.

Lillian went to open her mouth about it but Aiden quickly put her finger to her lip, shaking his head.

"So, what drinks did you buy?" Sofia asked.

"Um...pink lemonade, Sprite, Coco cola, and beer." Isaac sat on the floor where the girls were currently being cooled off.

"Good work today, boys" Sofia praised, a big smile on her face. "What would we do without you?"

Zane's eyes widened. "Well, if you put it like that—"

"Ugh!" Nathan grimaced.

"Um, excuse you?" Sofia . "I just complimented you all."

Nathan grabbed Sofia's ankles, making her switch from a laying posture to a sitting posture on the couch. He then sat down at the end of it, letting out a  sigh.

"Man, I'm still hot." Zane started taking off his orange t-shirt.

"Zane, put your shirt back on!" Jane covered her eyes.

Zane didn't care as he threw his shirt over his shoulders, showing off his toned six pack abs that had small droplets of sweats beading down it's crevice.

Isaac wasn't even fazed by the act and while Sofia just shook her head and Emma didn't pay him any mind, Xena stared shamefully at his abs with wide eyes and her mouth agape.

In fact, Xena had stared for so long that it took the sound of Zane chuckling to snap her back.

"Oh~? Looks as though our little goth has a pervy side" Zane teased.

Xena cheeks burned, making her slam her face into one of the couch pillows. Zane chuckled.

Sofia once again shook her head. "And the cycle repeats."

"What?" Nathan asked.

"Nothing" Sofia answered.

Aiden nudged Lillian, signaling for them to go upstairs and leave the kids to their business. Once the two were finally gone, Jane stood up in front of the group.

"So, what do you guys wanna do now?" Jane asked.

"Hmm....I'm feeling lazy today honestly" Sofia answered.

"Yeah, I agree with the brat" Nathan agreed.

Sofia unapologetically kicked him in the thigh with her heel, making him let out a grunt.

"Ooh, how about we watch a movie?" Emma suggested. "Like a really good one."

"Well, that's not a bad idea." Jane tapped her chin. "But depending on how long it it, it probably won't satisfy us by the time we have to sleep."

"So, yes to movie binging" Zane addressed.

"But what should we watch?" Jane asked.

"If you ask me, something that keeps me glued would be something cringe-worthy" Nathan pointed out. "Like plotless romance movies?"

"I wouldn't mind that, actually" Emma agreed. "It would be fun to see how much faith I can lose in romance."

"Oh, and they should be franchises" Sofia added.

"Alright, figure out some cringe-worthy movies" Zane advised. "I'll go fetch some popcorn. What do you guys want?"

"White cheddar."
"Sweet and Salty Kettle Corn."

"While you're at it, get us the alcoholic seltzers" Lucas added. "The sparkling ones."

"Got it" Zane nodded.


Six movies. Two franchises, one about be a franchise. From ten o' clock that morning all the way to eleven o' clock at night, they had binged Fifty Shades, After, and 365 Days while finishing out every last bit of popcorn and seltzer they had.

Once the end credits for 365 Days rolled by, Jane was the one to turn the tv off. However, the teens still stared at the blank television with scrunched faces and had nothing but disgusted images running through their heads.

"Well, I'm never using babygirl every again" Sofia said.

Isaac gagged. "Don't even say it."

"I...I think I'm just gonna go...throw myself into the lake." Xena got up from the floor.

"Yeah, I think I'll join you" Zane agreed, following behind her.

"This is exactly why I hate romance." Nathan took another sip from his third seltzer can. "Those ones included."

"The exact reason why I'm never watching it again" Emma added. "Isaac, you were right. As much as love can be beautiful, it can also be disgustingly twisted."

"Onto the next topic, please" Jane begged.

"Alright, alright" Isaac agreed. "You guys have any plans tomorrow?"

"Yeah" Nathan answered.

"What is it?" Jane asked.

"Why would I tell you? It's a one man trip" Nathan scoffed.

"Please~? I don't have anything to do tomorrow" Jane whined.

"Sounds like a you problem" Nathan threw his can in the trash. "Anyways, I'm going to bed."

"Yeah" Sofia agreed. "I'm taking your bed tonight, Sin."

"Hah, like hell you are" Nathan mocked.

Nathan and Sofia challengingly stared at each other before running up the stairs. In that time, Xena and Zane came back into the house, both soaked in the same clothes they wore with a glare on their faces.

"Did you two really jump into the lake with your clothes on?" Isaac asked.


The two then walked up the stairs, droplets of water following behind them.

"Ugh, great. A mess to clean just before bed" Jane groaned.

Soon, the group all got ready for bed. Unlike the day before, their sleeping spots had changed. Nathan and Sofia shared a bed with their backs against each other, Isaac, Zane, Lucas, and Jane both slept on the floor, while Xena and Emma slept on the other bed by the window.

It truly had been an interesting day.

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