~𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 23~

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chapter 23

Third Person POV
"I can't believe you're going for something so childlike" Isaac shook his head, wearing his doctor costume that had bloody handprints on it and a face mask that had a bloody handprint in it. Fake blood dripped from the realistic slash mark that ran across his face and to top it off, his white zombie-like contacts were on.

"I already knew something like this would happen" Lucas shrugged, dressed in a hazmat costume that had blood stains all around it and a realistic looking gas mask.

"Eh, still looks great on me" Zane bragged, posing in his police costume.

Lillian squealed. "You guys look so cute! I need to take some pictures."

"Mom, it's just a Halloween party" Nora said.

"And so?" Lillian asked. "If I did the same thing for you and Norm on your graduation from elementary, what makes you think I'll stop for them in high school?"

Nora sighed.

"Okay, are you guys ready to see my outfit?" Jane asked from inside the guest bathroom.

"Yup, now come out" Isaac answered..

The guest bathroom opened and out came Jane in a zombie outfit. It consisted of a long, white t-shirt with countless holes in it that were stained in fake blood and black, knee high boots. Her hair had been in a side ponytail while the contacts she wore were pitch white. She finished off the outfit with red lipstick.

"Now, that's how you rock a costume" Isaac gave Jane a high five.

"Smile to the camera!" Lillian said.

Isaac threw his arm around Jane's neck while Jane gave a big smile in the camera.

Snap! Snap!

"Ok, I'm ready to come out!" Emma yelled from inside the bathroom.

"We're waiting!" Jane yelled back.

The door opened again and Emma stepped out in a devil costume. It was only a red dress with red horns and wings that went with her black ankle boots.

"Omg, you look so cute! Now, smile!" Lillian compliments.

A small blush appeared onto Emma's cheeks as she gave a small smile towards the camera.

Snap! Snap!

"So, who's next?" Zane asked.

"I'm coming out with Sofia now" Xena yelled. "B-But Sofia's first."

The guest bathroom opened and out came Sofia in an apocalyptic themed costume. It consisted of a white open shirt with red blood spots smeared on it, a black bra and jeans, and a creepy smiling mask that sat on top of her hair. She topped the costume off with burgundy lipstick.

Next was Xena in a gothic outfit. It was basically a long, black steampunk lace dress that had no sleeves and a corset built into it. Long, fishnet gloves were placed on her arms while long, black boots were wore on her feet. Her hair had also been put into a high ponytail behind her head while her vampiric skin topped the entire costume.

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