
Damn it Murphy! She thought as she ducked behind a house to catch her breath just as the sun was rising. This was just one more thing on a long list of things that was all his fault. She wondered how long that list would be exactly and for a moment wished she had her notebook so she could find out.

She ran out from behind the house and into an open green field, in the distance she could see the start of the Great Pile, it was just one long sprint away and hopefully it would be her salvation. Sure, she was worried what would happen to her as she became more like Murphy, blue skin, zombie controlling, blend creating but she feared what Zona would do to her more despite what the Man said. No one helped people for the sake of helping people – aside from 10K - if Zona wanted to cure her it was only so they could use her like a lab rat, poke and prod her, drain her blood and inject her with God only knew what. When she reached the first few cars at the edge of the Great Pile she stood on the hood and got a better view, the Man had been right, it stretched on for miles with no end in sight, it was perfect and she took off for the heart of it.

She wove between the trailers, RV's, vans, trucks and other assorted vehicles before she stopped when that damn itching came back. She stopped and crouched down by a car as she pulled up her sleeve and dug her nails into her skin rubbing back and forth to relieve the annoying feeling. As she did more of her skin peeled revealing more blue patches. Then she was tackled and thrown to the ground. She struggled with whoever had grabbed her, she could tell it wasn't the Man, this person was dressed in shaggy rags and when she did get a peek at them she saw long dirty hair and a long beard – an Ender. Great just what she needed. . . actually maybe it was. She wrestled with him until he got a good hold on her, once his arm was close enough she turned her head and bit him. He cried out in pain and leapt back, Enders might not have much of their brains left but they still knew that a bite was bad news. She got off the ground and grabbed him by his already torn collar.

"There's a man chasing me, tall, bald, strong, when you see him you're going to attack him." She ordered before she took off. She didn't know if she'd 'evolved' enough to be able to command people yet but she wasn't too concerned if it didn't work and the Ender thought she was just plain crazy. She continued to run between and over vehicles, she saw several she could have hidden in but the trouble was she still worried about attracting zombies. Having a pack banging on a car window was a little obvious so she'd need to find a place that had something to distract them from her.

Then she heard a howl and turned, she looked around the side of an old U-Haul and saw the Ender she'd bitten charging at the Man who appeared in the distance. He must have been able to guess where she'd headed and with a car full of gas he'd been able to catch up much quicker then she'd been hoping for. Thankfully, he hadn't spotted her but he did look annoyed that now he had to take out the mad Ender who kept howling and waving his weapon around. She caught a lucky break when his howling grabbed the attention of several other Enders in the area who joined in the fight without a second thought, causing mayhem and chaos for someone was the only thing on their mind. She didn't stay to watch how the fight played out, instead she ducked back behind the U-Haul and took off. She looked among the debris around her as she ran looking for something that would distract a Z but not attract the Man to wherever she decided to hide. Then she saw something glimmer in the sunlight and ran over to find several CD's that were probably once in one of the cars. Zombies like shiny things and she quickly looked around for some string or some wire. It wasn't difficult to find as she started working on tying the CD's to each other making a mobile that would move in the wind, that should be enough to distract a Z.

Once it was done she found the nearest RV and climbed her way onto the roof. She dangled the CD mobile from a pole that had been meant for an awning just as she heard snarling. She looked up to see a Z stumbling her way and she smiled. She shook the mobile making the discs rotate and reflect the light in little rainbows making the Z reach out and try to grab it but it was too high. The CD's also clinked and made little dinging sounds which also seemed to be something the zombie enjoyed. Satisfied Bailey hopped down and went into the RV to hide. She closed the door behind her and saw a small hand carved figure leaning against the window which had the blinds drawn to keep out the sun and she couldn't help but chuckle at how much the little figure looked like Doc smoking some Z-weed. She peered through the blinds and saw more Z's approaching no doubt drawn by her but then their attention was drawn to the mobile just like with the other Z. She moved away from the window letting the blinds fall shut again as she went into the RV's bathroom, knowing it would be the only door with a lock. She sat on the floor and waited, this was probably one of the hardest parts, just waiting, not looking out the window, not knowing if the Man saw the Z's and passed or if he saw them and got suspicious or if he was still dealing with the Enders. She had no doubt that they were all dead now, the Man wouldn't have been beaten by them and he surely wouldn't have let them live.

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now