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I look across the room over the sea of Russian diplomats and Government officials, some American Government officials and Vladmir's minions. Right smack in the middle is my husband talking to none other than Veronika Dobrow.

It's been four months since the fight at the hospital and I'm only here because Nikolai had to bring a date and because his campaign wants him to erase the talk about him cheating with Veronika by bringing me. Basically it was to save image. But ironically, instead of staying by my side, he decided to follow after her.

Best believe if I didnt have to be here I'd be at home watching Christmas movies with my kids.

Drowning the white wine, I allow the waiter to fill my glass up before I slowly make my way down the flight of stares. Instead of going after my Husband like a dog on a leach, I make my way to the table at the right corner where the Russian President, Alexei Belov, is seated alone in an empty table.

His security stand around the table with dark glasses on. I probably only saw him talk to five people in all the 45 minutes we have been here. Not even Nikolai has held a conversation let alone a greeting with the Russian President.

He either doesn't like the people here or people don't like him. Either way, this man intrigues me in a strange way.

"Dobryy vecher gospodin prezident!"
(Good Evening Mr. President!)

He looks up at me and gives me a short nod, "blagodaryu vas".
(Thank you)

I swallow thick saliva at his cold reply. It's been rumoured that he's a racist but I never got to talk to him and feel him out until now. Not gonna lie, I'm starting to believe those rumours.

"v komnate kholodno ili ty vsegda takoy?"
(Is it cold in the room or are you always like this?"

My breath hitches when his cold eyes stare into mine for a few seconds before he shakes his head, "you need to work on your Russian. Eto uzhasno".
(It's terrible)

I throw my head back and laugh, "So you do know how to speak english! And give me a break, that was pretty impressive stuff!"

"Yes, for an America. You people only know how to speak your own language like it's the best language in the World. It's garbage, anyone can speak english".

I shrug agreeing with his statement, "Yeah, yeah that's true but you Russian's act like you're better than the rest of the World-don't lie".

He shrugs right back at me, "because we are".

"No, I think Sweden and Switzer-"

"No", he says waving his hand. "Both don't contribute any value. Their populations are very low meaning military forces and economy are considerably weak and they are under the Queen. How do you respect a 'independent' country still bound to a monarchy?"

Titling my head to the side, I slowly nod as his words sink in, "yeah I don't support Monarchies either and I get what you mean but I most definitely respect them as independent countries. And hey, wait a minute...doesn't Russia have a President and a Prime Minister?"

He lifts his chin slightly, "you don't respect Russia because we have President and Prime Minister?"

I lean back into my chair at his change of mood, "oh no sir, I wasn't talking about me! I was talking about how Switzerland and Sweden can defend themselves by using that argument, you know?"

He nods slowly, "but what about you? What do you think?"

I take another sip to calm down my nerves, "honestly...it's not that I don't respect the country it's just that I don't see the point in it. Like you're the one that appoints the Prime Minister right?"

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