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Nikolai ended up moving us back to the room when two guards came to watch the door. He woke up and got Amelia dressed so he could take her to the skating show as promised and I stayed back to pack our suitcases because he decided it wasn't safe so it would be best if we left Russia today. 

If Amelia wanted, he said her and I could go to Costa Rica for a few days to make up for the early trip home.

Personally, I secretly hope she says no because I really do need to catch up on work with 'Imani's Love'. The organization was having a board meeting next week consulting one case of abuse from one of my staff members in an Orphanage in Sudan. My mind is already made up that she's going to be fired and I will press charges but the board thinks we need to hold a meeting and voting for it and the only reason I'm agreeing is because I want to know exactly what she did to the child. But most importantly I want to hear the child's account of it.

 I finally crawl out of bed when Katina calls me and my mood shoots up at the sound of Micah's voice.

"Sasa Baba! How are you? You sound crazy, did Babushka make you guys cookies again?"
(S: Hi Daddy! *can be used as word of endearment for little boys like the word Mama for little girls)

I hear someone scream in the background and Ava giggling as well. I think Levi and Micah began fighting for the phone because soon Katina comes on the line and I hear her scolding the boys for hitting each other.

"Babushka please put those two on timeout because they know fighting us not acceptable".

My mother-in-law sighs into the phone before telling Micah and Levi to go sit on the stairs. She never punishes the kids which isn't good on my part because when they come back to me they think that behavior is acceptable.

I narrow my eyes as the boys fight her on it but bite my tongue because I know she's more than capable of handling the situation.

Ripping my silk bonnet off my head, I toss it on the bed and walk to the kitchen to get started on breakfast. Leonid is still asleep like a typical teenager and since it is pretty early still, I decide to give him half an hour to sleep but then he needs to get up and help pack.

"...I'm not sure, we have to ask your Mama or Papa first, Micah".

I raise the volume of the phone, "is he asking about the sleepover at that one kids house?"

"Yes, here talk to him before he goes to take his timeout".

"Mommy, you said that I can go to Timmy's sleepover remember? Babushka said I can't".

I switch the lights in the hallway on as I pass by, "no you can't because Mommy and Daddy are not home right now and we don't want you in other people's homes when we aren't around".


"Micah, Mommy said no so stop arguing with me. You can go next time, this isn't the last sleepover you'll be invited to. And right now your the oldest, you need to be a good example to your siblings. Stop giving Babushka a hard time".

He mumbles a yes Mommy before giving the phone back to his grandmother.


I freeze when I come out of the hallway and into the living room. Sitting on my sofa toying with a toy truck Nikolai got to take back for Micah, is a huge man with tattoos on his arms. He turns his head to place the truck on the arm rest and I catch the sight of a snake tattoo that spirals around his neck up to his jawline, under his right ear.

He is dressed in all black and his big boots left dirt on the white carpet. There are two other men who are standing by the door making a show of cleaning their boots with my white towels.

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