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The show cuts and a lady from CNN pops up on the screen.

"We are here bringing breaking news that President Brown has been assassinated. He was shot right as he was leaving-"

I don't hear the rest, I can't hear the rest even if I wanted to. The screams of my children and the blood rushing in my ears is deafening.

"Mommy who died?"

I put Ava down and ignore Micah's questions as I dail Jason's number. He's Nikolai's new bodyguard and I had gotten his number just incase something ever happened. For example, this situation.

"Since Daddy is dead, can I pick my new Daddy this time?"

I whip my head around to Amelia, "he is not dead! And you shouldn't wish something like that on anyone ever!"

For the third time, Jaspn's phone goes to voicemail which is strange. He always picks up on the first ring.

I pick Skylar up when she begins to cry and with my free hand I pull Ava away from the plate of soup that Amelia left on the ground.

"Excuse me? Can you get a car ready and tell my in laws that I left to my friend's house down town?"

The guard looks at his coworker before shaking his head, "Mrs. Pavolv we're on lockdown".

I glare at the him, "for how long have we been on lockdown and who sent you all here?"

"Twenty minutes-"

My mouth drops, "for twenty minutes! You guys have known that my husband was in danger and you never told me? Where is he!?"

The man visibly swallows, "Senator Pavlov ordered us not to-"

"Where is he?" I ask.

"Mrs. Pavolov all we were told is to come watch the house. He never said anything else besides that".

I don't give him another glance as I march back up to my room. I try calling my mother in law again but it goes straight to voicemail. She left with her husband early this morning to watch an opera but they should be back home by now. It's midnight, they never stay out this late. And Nikolai not answering his phone is making it worse.

"Daddy's dead?"

I wipe away my tears and pull the covers over Levi's chin, "no baby, he's on his way home right now. When you wake up he'll be right here, I promise".

None of us like it when Nikolai is away. And now that the kids have heard what's going on from the T.V, it's making us all anxious.

"Can I sleep in Micah's bed tonight?"

I nod and watch as he runs over to jump into his older brother's bed. These two do everything together. I'm praying they grow up to be even closer.

"Night night, mommy. Dont be sad I'll take care of everything".

I strome Micah's cheeck. He's gotten into a habit if repeating phrases that he hears Nikolai say.

"Thank you baba, we'll take care of each other right? Goodnight, I love you both like crazy".

They mumble goodnight and I close the door behind me. Leonid took Amelia and Skylar to bed so all I have to do is change Ava's diaper and get her in her crib.

After doing so, I climb in bed without bothering to pull the covers back. I don't think I can possibly find sleep but as the clock ticks my eyes grow heavey.

Right as sleep is about to sweep me away, I feel warm hands cup my left breast through my bra.

"You got all pretty for me baby?"

Immediately I sit up and stare at Nikolai trying to figure out where he was shot.

"I'm fine Felicity-"

"I called you! Why didn't you pick up? I thought you were dead!"

"I'm sorry, I worried you. They took my phone for security reasons so that's why you weren't reaching me".

I stay quiet as I figure things out in my head. If they took his phone that means it was really serious.

He lights the candle that I had gotten him for his birthday last year and I pat his body for gun wounds.

"I had already left when he got attacked".

I frown at him, "you two were at lunch together and he got attacked after you left the restaurant? Nikolai...you didn't have anything to do with it right?"

He gives me a look, "really Felicity?"

"You know this looks suspicious! You went down there with him-"

He slams the lighter down on the nightstand, "yeah, because they made us! He was about to get impeached in a few days because him and his Vice President were found guilty of rigging the elections! I was meeting with him because he had to transition everything over to me! Not so I could get him killed!"

I sigh, "okay, okay. I believe you...But I still want you to promise me one thing. Promise me that you'll never get blood on your hands. Dont make yourself a murderer, Nikolai".

He stares at me then walks out the room with his jaw locked.

"Wait!", he turns around and looks at me expectantly.

"Umm so they recounted the votes? You're officially the winner?"

He runs a hand over his 5 o'clock beared and sighs, "yeah...this is not how they wanted things to play out so I know It'll get messy".

I stand on the bed and throw a pillow at his head, "You're the President of America! Nikolai you won fair and square. Let the minority be mad if they want to. Your still on top of the World!"

I throw myself of the bed and he catches me with ease. When I come down from my high, I finally notice the sadness and anxiety in his eyes.

"I don't get it, why are you so sad about this? We should wake up the whole town and celebrate!"

He opens his mouth and then closes it before swallowing and forcing a smile, "I'm not baby. I just want to keep you guys safe. You remember what I told you about not telling anyone that it was you who-"

"Yeah yeah, I haven't told anyone".

He sets me on the bed and pulls off his Collard sleeve shirt and wife beater.

"My parents are staying at a hotel till tomorrow. We're moving to D.C. this weekend to make the move in January easier".

I frown, "but if the President is dead and Vice President is impeached?"

He flicks my nose, "as the order goes, the speaker of the house is next in line. She'll take over till the inauguration in January".

I nod my understanding as I collect his clothes and move them to the hamper.

"Get in bed baby, I'm gonna go check on the kids".

Watching his figure move away till it turns to a shadow, I can't help but think that maybe I did make a big mistake, and now I've changed our destiny for the worst.

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