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Just like Nikolai, his father picks up on the third ring.

He didn't speak when he picked up, I was only greeted by an eerie silence that prompted me to speak first.

"Hello? Is this Vladimir Pavlov?"

Eerie silence, a silence so thick that the goosebumps on my arms spike up, answers me.

"Umm...I'm Nikolai's wife and I'm calling you to ask that you could track him down and make sure he doesn't do anything stupid...some guy harassed me in the lobby today and Nikolai grabbed his gun and he ran out with...our son. Listen sir, I'm really sorry to bother you and I know you and my husband aren't on good terms but I don't want anything bad to happen to them".

Once again, only silence answers me and this time something in my gut turns. I've went too far and now I'm regretting it. Just as I'm about to hang up his cold low voice comes from the other side. It's so low I have to press my ear to it but still, I'm unable to comprehend what he said.

I actually jump up to my feet when he erupts in chilling laughter. His voice pierces my eardrums and I chuck the phone against the wall as if I was electrocuted. Amelia who had been falling asleep on the bed besides me sits up with her eyes snapped wide awake as she starts screaming.

I hear the call end and don't bother to grab the phone, I scoop Amelia in my arms and hold her shaking body against my own which refuses to stop trembling.

She pulls back away and takes a good look at me, "what's wrong mommy?"

I frown because I thought she got woken up by the laughter.

"Nothing baby, what's wrong with you? You woke up screaming".

She frowns and touches her wet cheeks, "I...I don't remember".

I narrow my eyes, "what is it Mama? Did you have a bad dream?"

She shakes her head before resting it on my shoulder, "I can't remember Mommy".

I stare at the bedroom door and as if someone's about to run in and kill us. I'm paranoid and don't feel safe right now.

I lay Amelia on the bed and stand on my feet. I make my way to the door quietly and slowly and when I get a hold of the knob, I quickly lock it before breathing out relieved.

The eerie feeling still lingers in the air and my gut is still turning but locking the door made me feel a little bit comfortable.

When Amelia began to snore I finally began to pray, I was shaking so bad and couldn't close my eyes at first but the more I prayed the better I began to feel.

I finished and crawled into bed with my daughter in my arms. I drifted to and from sleep and when the sun began to set, I didn't have to energy to turn on the lights.

My iPhone was still on the other side of the room where I threw it against the wall and Amelia's ipod was playing Sunday school songs on a loop. I needed to hear anything to distract my mind from the heavy atmosphere.

I drift to sleep once again and when I woke up the room was pitch dark and a dark figure standing at the end of the bed staring at Amelia and I.

The only reason why I don't scream is because I can smell Nikolai's colong and I can here Fifa playing out in the living room.

"Nikolai!", I scream as I crawl to the edge of the bed. "What happened? Are you okay? Is Leonid okay? I swear if you got him hurt...."

I trail off when he continues to stare at me in an eerie manner with his eyes dark and empty. I notice the cut on the corner of his lip and when I touch his hands, his knuckles are bruised and bleeding.

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