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I read them all.

The real ones the fake ones, and the ones that were exaggerated.

From stories blaming my eating disorders on my struggle with fertility, to ones saying that I got AIDs from my Orphange in Inida in the town where AIDs has recently been spreading out of nowhere.

I saw the pictures of protesters for Malcolm Brown holding signs that say, "Felicity, a village in Kenya needs their shamba girl".
(Shamba: farm/ghettos)

I read stories about my family, about my kids, even stories about me being transgender.

Not even the most bizarre stories, made me laugh. And it's strange because I've read some crazy ones before, but this was different for some reason.

Maybe it's because everyone thought I was a man? Or because they blame me for having an eating disorder which is supposedly why I can't get pregnant?

They hit me, they hit me where I never expected them too.


I blink back into reality and grip my towel when Nikolai breaks the door off it's hinges and stomps into the bathroom.

After coming back from my hometown, he didn't even bother unpacking his suitcase. He kept it by the door, slept one night to make sure I didn't try anything and then left the next morning. He wasn't supposed to be back so soon either. I guess his Mother snitched on me.

His eyes scan my body before looking around the bathroom.

I roll my eyes, "What are you doing Nikolai?"

He looks down at me and chuckles in disbelief, "what am I doing? No, what are you doing Felicity? My mom said you barely come out your room, you stay locked up in the bathroom or laying in bed. What are you trying to do?"

I laugh, "Dont worry I won't kill myself. The kids need at least one present parent".

He steps closer to me and I tilt my head up to meet his challenge, "are you placing my value as a father on how present I've been for my kids?"

"Yes, it takes more than just providing for your children to be a father".

He scuffs, "you of all people should know that sometimes absent fathers are better fathers than present ones".

I narrow my eyes at him and take a few seconds to calm the fire within.


He steps out of my way and I silently return to prepare myself. He's crossed the line and he is more than aware of it.

Nikolai doesn't leave the room as I slide on undergarments and a dress with matching heels. He sits on the bed and watches me dress the whole time.

And when I leave the room with my purse in hand, he followes me downstairs and into the kitchen where lunch was being served.

I try to act invisible as I grab my father in law's car keys but Nikolai doesn't miss a beat.

"Where you going Mama?"

I look at him and down at the kids who all went silent and are now staring at me.

"Mama I wanna come!" Micah whines.

Skylar who has picked up the habit of mimicking everything Micah says and does, nods her head, "Mama I wanna come!"

I hand Ava the sippy cup she threw, "I'm going out for Lunch with friends. Trust me you dont wanna come, they only serve salad and they don't have a TV or playground like McDonald's!"

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