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I wake up at noon the next day to an empty bed. Like he does every time he has to leave while I'm asleep, Nikolai has scribbled a sweet goodbye on a pink post-it-note that he left on the nightstand.

I'm sorry I had to leave before I could see you crip walk in the morning. But it's just two weeks before I'll have you crip walking again. I love you and the boys. Take care of them and yourself before I come back home and take the reins. I love you, солнышко.
-Yours forever, Nikolai

I smile and pull out my shoebox from under the bed where I've been keeping his notes since we were teenagers.


I jump and suddenly become aware of my nakedness, "hold on Mama".

Grabbing my robe, I secure it around myself before pulling the door open.

"Well, well, well, me glad you two made up".

I blush and shake my head as she laughs at my uncomfortableness.

"Anyways, the boys homesick today so Jakkob and me want to take them to farmers market, that okay with you dear?"

Although I've told her countless of times that she can just leave and shoot me a text of where they went, Katina always comes to ask me for permission face to face. It has to do with Nick's father who would always leave with him for days and not tell her where they went. It didn't stop until she ran away and seeked asylum in America where she learned english and remarried. But the distrust from her late husband became a distrust for anyone with her child so she feels the need to always ask and aware me where she's taking my boys.

I smile, "yes, I know that'll brighten them up and thank you so much-"

"Nonsense, me love those boys crazy and me know you need to stay off feet", she winks.

I shake my head and she kisses my cheek before walking back downstairs.

After showering and dressing up, I head into town for my brunch with my childhood friends. We haven't seen each other since Christmas last year so I'm excited to see them again. Maggie's an accountant who lives in Beverly Hills with her Fiance and Jane, a real estate agent, lives in town with her Husband and three kids, 


Jane glares at Maggie,"Girl shut up we're in a restaurant. These white folks already annoyed we're here".

"I don't care, let em stay hating. Sis, you lookin' good!"

I smile and pull her in for a hug, "I missed you two so much!"

Jane pulls Maggie away so she can also hug me, "then move back. It can be just like the old times".

I laugh, "I wish, but I doubt we're gonna settle here with Nick and his campaigning going on".

We sit down in our seats and I pour water into my glass, "but I believe we'll be here for a while because of the...threats".

They nod in understanding and Maggie reaches out to hold my hand, "don't stress about it Liz, nothing's going to happen".

A soft sigh escapes my lips, "I'm not worried about it anymore. I'm just stressing over the kids and how hard it is for them to move around so much and to barely see their Dad".

Jane sets her coffee mug down, "Bring the boys over! My kids are a little older but they would still love to play with them. And Kevin said whenever they're free he can take them places so them places to have fun".

 I smile at Jane, "aw, Kevin is honestly the sweetest guy I've ever met. Tell him the boys would love that since their grandfather is old and can't be so active".

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