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Nikolai's P.O.V.

Warning: Mature themes

I hate Veronika Debrow almost as much as I hate myself.

I'm the reason my marriage is failing, the reason my kids think of me like a stranger, the reason my eldest son hates me, the reason my Mother cries herself to sleep with a Bible in her arms.

This is all my fault.

Never in my life have I been suicidal, but right now the thought of death is more promising then the future. But I'm not going to do anything stupid, I can't when I have the responsibility of a family to protect.

Not only is my life in danger but so is my wife's life and if they take out both of us, my children will be left Orphans, and they'll kill them off like they did to the Kennedy's.

Truth is, I'm scared. I'm scared shitless and I dont know what to do anymore. I have two years left in office but with Felicity speaking up against them during the Ceremony three weeks ago, I know I'm going to have to pay for that aswel.

"Nikolai, baby, I'm glad you came".

I rip Veronika's hands from me, "you know what I'm here for so hurry up".

She clenches her teeth and walks back to her bedroom. I follow after her and she let's me in before handing me her laptop.

Everyday in her presence, I contemplate on killing her but remember my promise to Felicity, I cant get blood on my hands. And if I do kill Veronika, who the government has sent to spy on me, they'll come right after Felicity.

As much as I hate this woman, I need her because she's one of the best hackers I know. I've been using her to collect Data from the government to prove corruption in foreign affairs in Russia and send to the Russian government.

Every week, I make her steal a hard drive from one of the higher ups and I look through the data to see if I can find anything.

Proving corruption within our government is easy but sending that information out to the American public is useless because overthrowing the government is not as easy as it seems. First, of all the American public are gullible Guinea pigs who want security. Over throwing the government would ruin that so they'd rather pretend like everything is okay.

But let's say that we really do want to overthrow the government, it wouldn't be easy because they could easily just deny it, act like they fixed it or even kill anyone who fights back.

So I needed to get another country involved. I found evidence of the government abusing their power in African countries but the majority of African countries are not strong enough to take on America alone.

I needed to go for a country that our Government fears. So I'm playing my cards at either Russia or Saudi Arabia.

Veronika comes back and wraps her hands from behind me, "Nikolai part of this deal meant I get my needs taken care off. I get tested every morning, baby you know I'm clean".

I grind my teeth at her whining, "that shit's for show, you know I'd rather kill you".

Her hands drop and she yanks the computer away from me, "Nikolai that was not the deal! I said I wont tell the government that Felicity hacked into their system and exposed them and you promised to love me! Nikolai they sent me to spy on you and Im helping you take them out for crying out! You know what? I'll go there right now, I swear I will. I'll tell them everything and watch them send hits on her!"

I grab her by the throat as my mind goes blank.

"Do it! Do it and I'll find you and kill you!"

"You promised me-"

I throw her on the bed by her throat, "I said I'd fuck you one time! This little idea in your head that I'll ever love you, get rid of it! All that shit I do in public is because we have to keep them thinking your getting to me, but when we're alone, dont even fucking look at me".

She slaps me across the face and throws her flip flop at my head. I dodge it but I'm too slow to dodge the lit candle that she throws next. It hits me hard and crashes to the carpet where the wax spills on it and the flame starts a fire.

"You think you're all that? You said we'd have sex but you keep pushing me away every time I try! You think I'm stupid and you can go back on your promise? I swear your wife will die by the end of this month!"

I stop the fire out and push her onto the bed.

"You want me to fuck you so bad?" I rip her night gown apart and thrust into her with such force that she screams.

"Yes! Again!"

Bile rises to my mouth and I spit it out on her face. The fourth time I force myself to thrust, I feel something wet pool around my length. I pull out to see her orgasm mixed with her blood due to the force.

"You disgust me", I spit out.

She lays shaking on the bed as I wipe my still limp dick. No words can describe how sick I feel right now.

"D-do you fuck her like that too?"

I look down at her wide shining eyes and scowl, "your obsession with my wife will be the reason I kill you. You will never be like her and I'll never treat you like her. You are a whore, so I fucked you like one. She is my wife, so ofcourse I make love to her".

She turns her head away from me as her chin begins to shake. I can't believe she's getting so emotional about this. Like what did she expect? I love Felicity, I always will. Cheating on her felt like suicide but I have to do what I have to do to keep my wife alive.

I look at the blood between her legs and guilt creeps in. I genuinely didn't mean to hurt her.

"Look, I'm sorry. I can take you to the hospital-"

She stands up and wraps a blanket around herself, "I'm fine. I know you aren't used to fucking a mature woman, this is new to you-"

I grab her hair before she can finish her offensive sentence, "how many times do I have to tell you to watch you mouth!?"

"I'm sorry! I really am! I was joking Niki you know that!"

I release her and watch her run to the bathroom. Just as I walk into the hallway, I hear noise from her closet that was on the other end of the hallway.

I ignore it at first thinking that maybe something had fallen but then I hear it again, and draw out my gun.

Moving to it, I yank it open and my heart shatters when I find a little girl squeezed under the last shelf with a bleeding knee.

She has blonde hair that's almost white and her skin is so pale I almost think she's albino. Her eyes are a bright green and her lips are chapped and thin as paper.

"Hi baby, are you okay?" I whisper gently as I pull her out.

She shyly looks at me before lifting her dress up to expose her bare lower half. She was bony, like I'm talking about I can see her ribs and pelvic bones. Based of her weight I would say she's about two years old but her face makes her look older for two.

I frown in confusion, "do you have to go potty?" She doesn't reply so I keep going, "do you need to shower or put on some underwear?"

She stays silent so I lift her up and go searching for Veronika.

I find her in the bathroom snorting cocaine with a half empty vodka bottle on the toilet lid.

"Veronika whose baby is this and why was she in a closet?"

Her eyes dilate even more than they already are, "Colette bad girl! I told you to be quiet-"

I grab her by the arm, "why are you keeping your child in a closet?!"

She blinks at me, "I-I- she-we I"

I release her after realizing I'm not gonna get through to her when she's high.

Grabbing my keys, I shift the child in my arms as I unlock the door and head out to McDonald's.

A/N: This chapter is to add clarity to the reason behind Nikolai's actions. More will be revealed.

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