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August 1st, 2039

I tie my hair up for the tenth time before pulling it down again. Then I untie my robe and apply more perfume to my breasts and neck. The urge to check the time hits me but I know it's pointless because I'm keeping count in my head.

It's exactly 11:34pm.

I'm nervous because he's late. He's never late. Yesterday at brunch, Monica told me not to get too excited because my husband will start cheating on me soon.

'It's what they all do, dear. In no time, you won't be the only one warming his bed', I remember her saying. 

I don't think I even gave her a reply right away because of how offended and disturbed I was. She had openly admitted that she knew of her husband's infidelity but wasn't angry about it because it was normal for Presidents to do. I do remember telling her before I left that 'President or not if my husband cheats, I'm leaving'. Monica only laughed at me as if I was a silly child that doesn't understand adult ways. I have never quickly disliked a woman they way I do Monica.

"Mommy is that really you?"

I smile at Levi and pick up the picture he's pointing to. It's the one of Nick and I at his law school graduation. Even now I can remember this night like it was yesterday. We were at his family's house to celebrate and Nick had pulled me to his lap because the chilly night air was making me shiver. He held me in his arms for hours as we whispered about everything we could think about. I fell asleep in his arms and he began kissing my face and lips like he always does. His mother took the picture without us knowing and we saw it a year later at her house for Christmas.

I look at myself in the vanity mirror as I touch my left hip imagining Nikolai's arm around me. It's been weeks since I've seen my husband and months since I felt the warmth of his body. I miss him.

"I like this one. Daddy's hat looks so cool!"

I lean over Levi to see what picture he's looking at.

"Oh! This is one of my favorite pictures of Daddy and I! It was taken back in June 2016 when my youth group went to the creek".

Summer 16' is a Summer I won't ever forget. Even when I'm old and grey you bet I'll be singing to my grandkids praises of the Summer where life was great. I swear everyone had an amazing summer that year. It's almost as if God was giving us all one nice Summer before things took a turn for the worst. 

"Sometimes I wish I could go back in time and relive that Summer".

I look over at Levi and realize he isn't even paying attention. He's been doing that a lot lately, losing focus easily. Nick wants him to get tested for ADHD because the preschool keeps pressuring us. But I just think we should wait until he's at least six. He's only four, very few four year olds are able to stay completely still and pay attention for an hour-despite what that principal says.

So many children are misdiagnosed with ADHD and immediately put on a bunch of medication. I don't want that for my son. I want them to correctly diagnose him and if he truly has it then they should find alternative ways to help him. And if it comes down to it, then yes we can find some medication for him.

"Levi, Mommy is talking to you".

Levi puts down his firetruck and blinks up at me, "what?"

I frown, "don't be rude. And I was telling you about-"

"I know mommy, Summer 16' was when you fell in love with Papa at first sight".

I sigh, "Levi, do you have a hard time paying attention sometimes? Mommy isn't mad at you, I just want to know so that I can get you some help".

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