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I know he smelled the curry and Hazeem's perfume. And when he shoved his tongue into my mouth for what appeared to be a sweet kiss, I know it was just so he could taste what I had eaten.

I didn't fight him, I let him taste the spicy Indian blends in my mouth and when he pulled away and I saw the fire in his eyes, that only made the fire in mine grow.

The only reason he discharged me wasn't because Amelia threw a tantrum, but he discharged me in fear and jealousy that Hazeem would return again.

Although I have to say, Amelia deserves an Oscar for the excellent acting she's been keeping up and Leonid deserves an award for being the mastermind of all of this. It was Leonid who talked to Amelia about bringing me back home and they planned the scheme so brilliantly that it was perfect. Amelia had entered Nikolai's office at the exact same time as he and Hazeem, whom I asked him to bring, had.

On Tuesday, Leonid had hacked into Nikolai's computer to find out what Hospital I was being kept in and when he had called my room number asking if I was okay and what I wanted. I told him to see my kids and to eat the Indian food that Hazeem used to make for me when we were young.

Lord knows I didn't think the boy would actually do anything, but he is crazy smart for a thirteen year old. He contacted Hazeem and told him that I was sick and wanted to see him and eat some Indian Rice and stew and then he found a way to get a hold of Amelia and told her the plan so I could see all the kids.

"What was he doing here? Hmm? What was he doing here Felicity!"

I ignore Nikolai's tantrum and continue packing up my clothes.

He stops pacing and throws up his hands, "answer me damn it! How did that man come here from California and how did he know where you were staying?"

I smirk, "either you didn't think I had it in me or you just didn't think that I was smart enough to escape your control".

He stares at me and scoffs, "control? Felicity you're in a mental hospital! You had feeding tubes down your fucking nose because you wont eat and every five minutes a shrink comes in to make sure you haven't killed yourself and you wanna tell me I'm being controlling? I'm trying to save you from yourself Dammit!"

"When did I ask! When did I ask for you to save me Nikolai!?"

He stares at me blankly and I nod slowly, "yeah that's what I thought. Don't do shit that I don't ask you to do and expect me to give you a thank you. And before you try to play hero, remember, your the reason why I'm here in the first place".

"Me? Felicity you cheated on me and then you expect me to act like everything's fine and continue being the affectionate husband that I was?"

I grunt, "wake up Nikolai! This didn't start with me quote on quote cheat! This started when you became President and changed. How many times did I see you? How many times did you cancel plans that you made with me? How many times did you even call!?"

I point to the T.V. that's broadcasting the news and a picture of Nikolai at some meeting is on. Next to him stands a tall blonde with her hand on his bicep as she leans in to whisper something in his ear. It was Veronika Dobrow.

"When I met your father in Russia he promised he'd replace me. And I didn't bother, I didn't care what he swore to do because I thought we were stronger than that. But now I know that your only as strong as your weakest link. Bring me divorce papers if you want, go marry her if you want, sleep with every woman on Earth if you want! But Nikolai...if you ever take me away from my children again? It'll be you in a coffin that we'll see on T.V."

He nods his head slowly, "you pledge to kill me?"

I raise a brow at him, "and make myself a murderer bound for hell? Your not even worth it. But there are a million ways to kill a man".

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