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A/N: This chapter is very dark and the events that occur are well researched. This is happening today in America and every country in this world. Please go do your research and keep yourself safe.

I was shocked when an invitation to a Christmas party came in the mail for me. The invitation was a simple black card and the writing was in red cursive ink. There was no name on the invite to tell me who sent the invite and no address on the black envelope either.

I always hear about how much fun the elites have at their parties but I've never been important enough to receive an invite.

Christmas Eve came and after putting the kids to bed, I got out a long elegant black dress, like the dressing code stated, and slipped it on. The masquerade they provided fit strangely perfectly as if they have my head measurements lying around.

Once my heels were strapped on, I make my way out to the car and buckle up when we start driving.

Nikolai and I havent been talking like usual which I'm not ashamed to say I'm disappointed because I thought after what happened in Kenya, everything would go back to normal again. But once again, I'm wrong.

But when he's not traveling or in meetings, he makes time for the kids which I'd rather have him do then make time for me. The kids haven't been feeling too good about spending Christmas without Ava. They arent willing to bake cookies, hand stockings, go caroling or hand out presents to kids in Foster care like we always do.

But I just have to keep a hopeful attitude about it and remind myself that sometimes, time does heal pain.

"We're here ma'am".

I smile at the driver, climb out and clutch my ticket so tight it drips at the bottom.

Police cars surround the entire property and we even got stopped by a cop when driving up this street. I knew they have high security at these parties but this seemed excessive to me.

Turning around, a soft gasp leaves my lips when I see how beautiful the mansion infront of me is, it's like something out of a dream. It looks like one of those mansions thats promised to you in Heaven.

How does that saying go? Earth is Heaven for the Rich.

"Ticket please?"

I blink back to reality and hand the security guard my ticket. He looks at it and types something on his laptop before nodding at me.

"Felicity Pavlov. Go up the steps and someone should direct you where to go next".

I nod at the man and make my way up the steps of the mansion. Like he assured me, another guard shows me the way to where the party is being held. The room is humongous and the ceiling seems to reach the sky and they have exactly six chandeliers handing from it.

Its crowded with celebrities, politicians, wealthy business owners, basically all the rich people you can think about.

A call comes through my phone and I answer without looking at the caller ID.

"Felicity where are you!?" Nikolai shouts at me.

I roll my eyes, "well damn let me say hello atleast and why? Is something wrong with the kids?"

"Who drove you there? You need to cal them back to pick you up and take you back home!"

I touch the necklace around my neck that he had given me a few years back, "what the heck Nikolai you're tracking me? Your supposed to use that when I get kidnapped or something"!"

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