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After lunch, we drive over to the guitar shop where Nikolai buys a small purple guitar and has the seller quickly carve 'Skylar' on it.

It's almost five pm when we get home and Nick's mom has the baby and the two toddlers down for a nap. Nick is leaving tonight so we planned on eating dinner with his parents and then his mother's driver would drive us and the kids down to the airport to see him off.

Already I'm dreading it.

Something about Nikolai's presence makes everything feel whole, feel completed.

I trace his bottom lip and breath into his wavy dark hair. I remember telling him how he was the first Russian I knew with natural wavy and dark hair. All the ones I knew or seen were blonde or had light brown hair that was pin straight.

And when Nikolai told me that he was born a blonde with pin straight hair, I refused to believe him at all until I saw his baby pictures.

Sure enough he had come out with a mop of blonde straight hair and his hair which grows like weed stayed that way until he was in middle school. It for some reason got darker and darker until it reached the color of a raven. It began to curl as well, I think that was probably because he grew it out in sixth grade but even when it's short, it has a bit of a wave in it.

That explains why Micah has blue eyes and curly dirty blonde hair. Levi on the other hand came out a but paler than Micah but has darker hair and brown eyes.

"What time is it?", Nikolai whispers in his deep sleepy voice.

"Um, around seven o'clock I think".

His bright blue eyes snap open to mine and my breath gets stuck in my throat. It's been eighteen years since I first saw his unique eyes and still I can't get over how pretty they are. From the way they turn a mystical violet color every time he wakes up, to how they flip to grey when he's angry, and sparkle like the sky on a Sunny day when he's in a good mood, Nikolai by far has the prettiest eyes I know.


I finally blink back into reality and my cheeks warm when I realize he's been watching me stare at him for the past minute.

"Nothing, I just can't get over your eyes".

He smiles and flips us over so that he's on top of my body, "and I can't get over how good you taste".

I close my eyes when he disappears under the covers and in between my legs, "Amelia's turning-mmm...ten soon".

He trails kisses up my legs and stomach, "hmm, what does she want? And if you tell me to dance at that perverted studio, I'll spank her and you. Seriously, I'm tired of hearing about it".

I roll my eyes, "no, she didn't ask for that. She asked for a phone. Apparently all the kids her age have one these days".

Nikolai stops and stares up at me, "a phone? What is ten year old going to do with a phone Felicity?"

I shrug, "I'm already against it. I trust her not to break or lose it but my objection is her age. She needs to be playing with toys, running away from boys-"

He narrows his eyes, "What?"

I shrug again, "you know normal ten year old girl things. And don't lie, I know you used to chase girls around at recess. Bro, I swear, kids these days have it so easy. I only had a bike when I was ten".

"I don't think she's ready for a phone yet. Maybe a DS or something?"

I laugh, "I doubt they still sell those anymore. How about a TV in her room?"

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