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That following Monday, after Amelia and Skylar had their dance recital, we flew back to California where Nikolai's parents were waiting for us with open arms.

Like we knew would happen, the girls kept to themselves and didn't speak much as they took in the new environment.

Nick stayed for two days to get us all settled in and then he booked a plane ticket to leave.

Like almost every morning since before he was elected into Congress, he sat on my vanity chair with me in his lap as I covered his tattoos with foundation.

The ones on his arms, chest and back I left alone but he had one on the side of neck that I would cover for him. This time we spent together was the only intimate time we have besides at night. And usually Nikolai would use it as an excuse to touch me. Although I whined about it everytime, he knew I secretly loved it.

"Nikolai stop, your making my hand shake".

He removes his hand from my breasts and down to my butt, "I need you before I leave. Felecity please, I'll be quick too malishka".
(R: baby girl)

I swallow as my body begins to involuntarily rub on his groin, "n-no. The kids should be awake at any minute and the last thing we want is for them to run in-"

"I'll lock the door".

"They'll stand outside and whine until we let them in-"

My words are cutt off when he slips a vibrator inside me. My hand shakes so bad that I drop my brush and lean my head against his chest.

"What do you say baby?" He coax.


"Mmm really?" His hot breath fans my ear.

"Nikolai you need to st-"

I throw my head back as the speed of the vibration picks up. My forehead breaks into a light sweat and Nikolai Pulls both of my legs over the arm rests and pushes my body back against the vanity table.

He kisses my curled toes before slowly messaging my feet as he tells me what he wants to do to me.

Right before I can reach my climax a small knock comes from the door making Nick rip the vibrator out and toss me on the bed so I can hide my lower half under the sheets.

"Hold me".

I look at the door where Skylar has her hands raised up for Nick to pick her up. He swings her to his hip and peppers kisses to her face as she rubs her eyes with little fists.

"Goodmorning sunshine", I tell her.

She ignores me and I roll my eyes. Nick sticks his tongue out before throwing me black shorts. I slip them on under the sheets and make room for him as he crawls back under with Sky in his arms.

"You better get all the loving you can get because Daddy's about to-".

"Shsh. Not until later Felicity, I dont know if it'll upset her".

I frown and kiss Skylar's cheek only to have her wipe away at it. This girl was seriously driving me crazy. Leah had told me that Skylar was a Mommy's girl and that Amelia was the Daddy's girl so I guess I had thought that's what would happen when we took them in. But in reality, Amelia stays away from Nick while Skylar clings to him in every waking hour.

I walk back to the vanity where I grab the foundation and brush so I can finish Nick up. Amelia and Micah find their way in the room right as I'm finishing up and Amelia's eyes bug out when they see the tattos all over Nikolai's chest.

"You drew on your skin!"

Nick smiles softly at her, "their called tattos baby girl. Can you say tattos?"

"Tattos", Amelia says confidently.

"Tawoos?" Skylar tries.

"Yep, I got this rose when when I met Mommy, then I went back and got a dove carrying it after I married her. It has half a wing because Mommy just covered it up with makeup".

"This is for me!", Levi screams as he points to the bear paw with his name written at the bottom of it.

Nikolai ruffles the child's dirty blonde curls and nods, "thats right Мальчик, this is one I got when Levi was born and this other one is a lions paw which is for Noah. The rest arent that important".
(R:small boy)

"Can I get a tattoo? I want a fairy right here!" Amelia says pointing to her arm.

Nikolai frowns at the idea, "are you sure? It hurts real bad. They take a needle and push it into your skin-"


I laugh and pull her and Micah off the bed, "alright let's go downstairs and see what babushka is cooking. Sky baby let's go. Daddy needs to get dressed".

Skylar ignores me and presses her face into Nick's chest who gets up from the bed and walks with us to the bedroom door. Micah and Amelia take off running while I stay waiting for Skylar. I know if I leave she'll only stand by the door quietly waiting for him.

"Daddy's gonna come down stairs soon baby girl. He's only getting dressed. Now give me kiss".

She gives him a sweet kiss and when he puts her down she ignores my hand and takes off running downstairs.

Saying her behavior isn't getting to me would be a lie. But I'm not going to force her to bond with me, it should come naturally. Already Skylar is quiet and Nick who leans more introverted than extroverted, had no problem connecting with her.

She sees comfort, peace and protection in his quietness. Nick is someone who will just hold her and stroke her hair without talking. On the other hand, I'm an extrovert clear as day and literally never stop talking. So I can see how my loudness sets her off.

We eat breakfast when Nick comes down and after sitting the kids down and explaining how he was leaving for a little bit, we walked him outside to the car and as he was getting in, Skylar latched onto his leg.

We had a feeling she would be upset but when she started sobbing and telling Nick she wanted to go with him, I was shocked because she barely talks let alone cries or throws tantrums.

"Skylar look at me baby. I'm gonna be back very soon and I'll call you every day baby. I love you, please be good to Mommy and Babushka".

Nick peels her arms and legs from his leg, gives her drooling mouth a kiss and than quickly passes her to me before she can latch on him again.

She thrashes in my arms as the car speeds down the driveway and when it's out of sight her body goes limp and her cries abruptly stop.

A/N: Be honest, was the sexual scene too much? As a Christian book was it too much? Would God not approve? Lol I'm being serious I feel conflicted about it. Let me know please

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