luna's graduates kindergarten!

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*Luna graduates kindergarten! In this oneshot, Aspen is 13, Everett is 10 1/2, Maxwell is 9, Haven is 7, Luna is 6, River is 4 1/2, Eden is 3, Ash is 17 months old and Bria, Tristan and Sienna are two months old! Thank you to JustJanielobsessed for helping me write this! Enjoy! Love • Bree ❤️*

Today is a very BIG day for Luna!
Today, she is graduating kindergarten!

Currently, Joey is curling Luna's bright and long blonde hair while Daniel is feeding Sienna her bottle.

Sienna has been dealing with some reflux, so she has been fussy because of it. Luckily, Sienna's reflux medicine is working wonders and Sienna is getting some much needed relief.

Maria has the rest of the kids - Aspen, Everett, Maxwell, Haven, River, Eden, Ash, Bria and Tristan are downstairs and they are eating a quick snack before Luna's graduation ceremony!

Daniel smiles and softly sings to Sienna while feeding her, making Sienna kick her feet happily.

"Sienna is such a happy girl now that she takes her acid reflux medicine." Joey says to Daniel happily.

"She sure is! I am so glad the medicine is working for her." Daniel says as he sets the bottle down and begins to softly burp Sienna.

"Daddy! Are you all done?" Luna asks playfully, not wanting to sit still anymore.

"Almost, baby! Just a few more pieces of hair to curl. You look so so pretty today!" Joey says with a big smile at Luna.

"Thank you, Daddy!" Luna says to Joey as she smiles and looks down at her painted finger nails, which Aspen did last night for her!

"Thank you, Daddy!" Luna says to Joey as she smiles and looks down at her painted finger nails, which Aspen did last night for her!

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*Luna's graduation outfit*

Luna then starts to sing to herself out loud, making Joey giggle and smile.

"Luna, are you excited to be a first grader next school year?" Daniel asks Luna with a proud smile on his face.

"YES! We can play on the big playground with the older kids and have lunch with them too!" Luna says with cheeky smile and Daniel giggles.

"Oh! That sounds fun! Maybe you'll make some new friends too!" Daniel says to Luna.

"Yeah! That would be really fun, Papa!" Luna says to her Papa.

Sienna finally burps and Daniel tenderly kisses her cheek.

Daniel then begins to change Sienna's dirty diaper on the master bed.

Joey finishes curling the last piece of Luna's blonde hair and smiles proudly at his hair work!

"There you go, Luna! You are all done!" Joey says happily and Luna happily twirls around in her dress.

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