a surprise before hope's wedding! | pt 1

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*Joey and Daniel find out a surprise the day before Hope's wedding! Thank you to JustJanielobsessed for helping me write this! Enjoy! Love • Bree 🫶🏻*

So We Took A Pregnancy Test Before Hope's Wedding...

So We Took A Pregnancy Test Before Hope's Wedding

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The Preda Fam
7.4M Subscribers
Well, we weren't expecting this!

The video starts with Joey sitting the vlogging camera on the bathroom counter, trying to get it situated so he can film this potentially life changing moment.

Meanwhile while Joey is doing this, Emersyn and Caspian crawl into the bathroom and babble loudly up at Joey.

*Caspian and Emersyn's outfits*

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*Caspian and Emersyn's outfits*

"Hi, cuties! Hi, Emmy! Hi, Caspie! I see Papa got you two dressed and ready for the day already! We are going to have such a fun day with your brothers and sisters and Auntie Hope, Uncle Drake and DJ!" Joey says to the twins, causing both of them to laugh and smile.

"Hey babe?" Daniel calls for Joey from the master bedroom, looking for Joey.

"Yeah?" Joey says to Daniel.

"Whatcha doing?" Daniel asks Joey with curiosity.

"Can you come here?" Joey says and Daniel gets confused on why Joey just didn't say what he was doing out loud.

"Yeah!" Daniel says as he walks into the bathroom and Joey holds the pregnancy test box up to Daniel, causing Daniel's eyes to pop out a little bit.

"Do you think your pregnant?" Daniel asks and Joey shrugs his shoulders.

"I'm not sure but I'm feeling really tired and every time I smell and even see jelly I wanna throw up. Remember I was like that with Haven. I'm probably not pregnant at all, I'm probably just having side effects from my birth control still but I just wanna make sure what's going on." Joey says as Daniel nods and rubs Joey's back.

"Ba baaaa!" Caspian yells loudly.

"Hello! Are you two playing on the bathroom floor? That's yucky!" Daniel says as he sees Caspian and Emersyn along with some of their toys sitting on the bathroom floor.

"They're fine. Hope said this place was cleaned head to toe and made sure it was kid proof for us." Joey says as he puts his cup of pee on the counter.

"Do you know how to do these?" Daniel asks Joey playfully as Joey opens up the pregnancy test box.

"I've taken eleven of them in the past that were positive and probably another twenty or so when I thought I was pregnant and wasn't. I'd say I'm a pregnancy test expert at this point." Joey says as he dips the pregnancy test into the cup.

"Aaaaa!" Emersyn yells loudly in the background.

"Are you talking, Emmy girl? Hmm?" Daniel says to Emersyn, causing Emersyn to smile up at her Papa.

"You and Caspian are being a good girl and boy! Are you two gonna be a big sister and brother? Hmm?" Joey says to Emersyn and Caspian.

"I think you two will be the babies of the family but let's see what the universe has to say!" Daniel says to the twins and they babble up at him.

Once Joey is finishing putting the pregnancy test in the cup, he sits it on the counter and covers it up.

"Well, we have to wait five minutes for the results. So, let's talk to the camera because why not." Joey says as Daniel giggles.

Daniel smiles as he kisses Joey's cheek, causing Joey to smile and blush.

"If you are new to our channel, hello. I'm Joey and this is my husband Daniel and we have fourteen kids. No, we are not fundies." Joey says and then Daniel begins to talk.

"We just really suck at using protection and using birth control." Daniel says with sass and Joey playfully smacks his arm.

"Danny! That makes it seem like we regret our kids or something!" Joey says to Daniel.

"We don't! We don't regret any of our kids. Once we know we are having another baby we are so excited. We love all of our children and we couldn't imagine our family without any of them. A lot of carrier men and their partners struggle to get pregnant and we are extremely lucky to have fourteen kids and for you to have easy and smooth pregnancies." Daniel says to the camera and then to Joey.

"A lot of our friends have big families though. Like five kids plus." Joey says as he giggles.

"Our friend group, we all must be horny folks to have all of these kids." Daniel says as Joey laughs again.

"Well, a few of them have adopted some of their children. We haven't adopted, all of our kids are biological. All eleven of my pregnancies have all been pretty smooth and easy. Yes, I've been pregnant eleven times. Nine singletons, a set of triplets and a set of twins, so my body has been through it." Joey says and Daniel rubs Joey's shoulder.

"But you look so sexy and fit. I'm such a lucky man." Daniel says with a smirk, causing Joey to blush.

"Oh shush! However, I love being pregnant. Am I addicted to being pregnant? No, but I love it. I feel like a lot of my health alignments I have, specifically my stomach issues I've had for years, goes away when I'm pregnant." Joey explains to the camera as Caspian and Emersyn begin to fuss.

"That's true. His stomach issues always go away when he's pregnant. But luckily they found out how to fix it after Ash was born." Daniel says to the camera as he picks up Caspian and Emersyn, placing them on the master bed with their toys.

"How many kids did we originally plan to have, Danny?" Joey asks Daniel playfully as he smiles at him.

"Four. Then six. Then eight. Then ten and then we had eleven because we had a triplet hiding.  Miss Sienna hid behind her brother. Then Koa was a surprise baby, we didn't know about him until he came out so that gave us twelve. Then we got pregnancy literally weeks after he was born and had these cuties right here nine months later. So that's how we have fourteen." Daniel says as he shows Emersyn and Caspian sitting on the master bed.

"Our kids range from sixteen years old to eight months old. So if I am pregnant, the twins will be about sixteen to seventeen months old when the baby is born I think? Maybe eighteen! I don't know, my math sucks. But a normal age gap and not nine months like Koa and the twins are." Joey says with a giggle.

"That's been the average between most of our kids and pretty average for a lot of family age gaps." Daniel says to the camera.

"Oh and I wanna say this too! Yes, I had a vasectomy done. I had it done before the twins were even born. I went back for the follow up check up thing and they said sperm was still coming out but not as much as before which is common. They said in a few more months I would be good and that's been a while ago." Daniel says as Joey playfully rolls his eyes.

"So sperm could still be coming out aka the vasectomy didn't work." Joey says with sass to Daniel.

"I guess I just have super sperm." Daniel says with a smirk, causing Joey to roll his eyes.

"And I have eggs that are ready to fertilize! But I've been good and been taking my birth control. We are too old for this." Joey says as he busts out laughing.

"No we aren't! Folks are having babies in their forty and fifties now!" Daniel says playfully.

"Well, it's been five minutes, actually longer than that, so let's check this test!" Joey says as he flips the test over and the video ends!

to be continued...

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