instagram q&a on the road!

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*Daniel runs some errands and answers Instagram questions! Please send suggestions on what you wanna see! I need some ideas! ! Love • Bree ❤️

Daniel is currently in his car and he is driving to pick up Eden and Ash from school! Daniel puts his vlogging camera on the tripod and he begins to vlog himself.

"Hellooooo everyone! Welcome back to my channel! It has been a hot minute since I posted on my channel! Joey and I have been focused on other projects as well as the new school year starting!These pasts few weeks have been super busy but now we are in a routine!" Daniel says with a cheeky grin.

"But the reason I am vlogging is because I asked you guys to send me some questions on Instagram so I can make a fun Q&A video!" Daniel says with a grin as the Instagram post he posted on his Instagram stories a few days ago.

"But the reason I am vlogging is because I asked you guys to send me some questions on Instagram so I can make a fun Q&A video!" Daniel says with a grin as the Instagram post he posted on his Instagram stories a few days ago

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

"Well.... I have been really busy with work and with life, so the only time I have to do this Q&A is while I am soem running my errands today! Right now, I am heading to pick up Ash and Eden from school! Their school day ends at 12:15! Joey is home with the triplets, it is their nap time and they cannot miss their nap or else they are little demons!" Daniel says playfully to the vlogging camera.

"So let's get this Q&A started, shall we?" Daniel says with a cheeky smile. 

• How is Joey doing? I know he hasn't felt well lately.
"Aww, thank you so much for this question! You guys are so so sweet! Joey is doing pretty good, he just hasn't been feeling like himself! He has been tired and has body aches!" Daniel says as he sneezes.

"Sorry, my allergies have been a hot mess lately. And no, Joey isn't pregnant! Trust me! He KNOWS when he could be pregnant and he took a bunch of pregnancy tests over the past few months, all of them were negative! The doctor just think it's age since we are old but it could be stomach issues he has had for many years." Daniel explains to the vlogging camera as he sips on his water.

• Why are the kids all in different schools?
"This is a great question! I know some of our viewers live outside of the US and have different school systems then what we have here! For those who are new, eight of our kids are in school! Ash is in preschool also called pre-k 3, Eden is in pre-kindergarten also called pre-k 4, River is in first grade, Luna is in second grade, Haven is in fourth grade, Maxwell is in fifth grade, Everett is in seventh grade and Aspen is in ninth grade!" Daniel says as he fixes his hat.

"Our kids go to public schools, so how they work around here is, kindergarten through fifth grade is elementary school, sixth grade through eighth grade is middle school and ninth through twelfth grade is high school. Preschools are separate from elementary school usually but there are some elementary schools that have a preschool program, but ours don't. So for our kids, Ash and Eden go to the same preschool, Riv, Luna, Havey and Max all go to elementary school together, Ev goes to middle school and Aspen goes to high school!" Daniel says with a smile.

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