welcome to the family oreo!

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*Joey, Daniel and the triplets take Oreo for his first vet visit and find out what is going on with Oreo. Thank you so much JustJanielobsessed for helping me write this! Send suggestions on what you wanna see! Enjoy! Love • Bree 😘❤️*

Right now, Daniel, Joey and the triplets are taking Oreo the kitten to his first ever vet appointment with the Graceffa-Preda pets' veterinarian!

Joey and Daniel have a few concerns with Oreo the kitten but they both hope they aren't any something serious and something simple to fix. 

Joey begins to happily vlog himself and Daniel sitting in the car together. Joey and Daniel are holding each other's hands while Daniel drives.

Joey then proudly vlogs the triplets Bria, Tristan and Sienna all sitting in the back in their car seats and all of them are fast asleep!

Joey then proudly vlogs the triplets Bria, Tristan and Sienna all sitting in the back in their car seats and all of them are fast asleep!

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*Bria, Tristan and Sienna's outfits*

Once he finishes vlogging the triplets, Joey begins to vlog himself!

"Ahhh, good day everyone! Welcome to today's video! Today is Monday and Daniel, the triplets and I are heading to the vet this early in the morning to get our new kitten Oreo a check up!" Joey says as he smiles as he vlogs Oreo sitting in a cat carrier that is on his lap.

"Meow! Meow! Meow! Meow!" Joey says as he giggles and smiles at Oreo.

"Hi, Oreo! Hi, baby!" Joey says in a babyfied voice at Oreo.

"Oreo is such a talkative little kitten! He meows a ton!" Daniel says with sass as Joey chuckles loudly.

"He does meow a lot but it is so stinking cute! So, if you don't know who Oreo is, he is a kitten that Daniel, Aspen, Haven and River all found during an early morning walk together yesterday! The four of them were walking the dogs and they found Oreo in a small bush all alone with no mom around. We think he is about five to six weeks old! We gave him some scrambled eggs yesterday to eat and he really loved it! We also gave him a bubble bath and he really liked that too!" Joey says as he chuckles and smiles.

"He is a really good kitten and the dogs like him! All of the dogs met him during the walk and of course all of the kids met him! My mom met him and she was terrified!" Daniel says as Joey giggles.

"Maria thinks most of the little animals we have are scary especially the cats! We haven't introduced Oreo to the other cats, the rabbits or guinea pigs just yet! We wanted to get Oreo checked out first! We don't want some out break of cat disease if Oreo has any." Joey says and Daniel nods in agreement.

"Hope and my mom are watching the eight older kids while we took the triplets out with us while we run errands after Oreo's check up!" Daniel says to the vlogging camera with a big grin and Joey smiles.

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