six little predas go shopping!

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*Daniel takes Eden, Ash, Bria, Tristan, Sienna and Koa out shopping while Joey runs some errands! Thank you JustJanielobsessed for helping me write this! Enjoy 💕

Daniel is getting ready to head to the grocery store to get some groceries and other household things the whole family needs!

Usually Daniel and Joey do two big shopping trips a month and small ones whenever it is needed and this trip is one of these small ones. 

Maria is at work while Aspen, Everett, Maxwell, Haven, Luna and River are all at school today!

Eden and Ash are both of off school today and of course the triplets Bria, Tristan, Sienna as well as baby Koa are always home!

Joey is heading out to bring a foster husky and some abandoned husky pups home!

The whole Graceffa-Preda family loves animals and fostering animals in need is something they all enjoy.

Right now, Joey is changing Koa into his outfit for the day while Bria, Tristan and Sienna are chasing each other.

"You three need to be careful, okay? Don't run!" Joey says to the triplets as he holds Koa in his arms.

Eden and Ash walk over to Joey and sit on the couch with him and Koa.

"Daddy! We are going to get some puppies?" Eden asks Joey with a big smile.

"Mhm! We are going to foster six husky puppies and a girl husky!" Joey says to Eden and Ash.

"Is da husky da mom?" Ash asks Joey curiously.

"No, the husky isn't their mom but I think she will love them so much when she meets them!" Joey says to Ash.

Daniel is getting ready to head to the grocery store to get some groceries and other household things the whole family needs!

Ash giggles and then runs off to play with his toys.

Daniel comes downstairs and smiles at everyone.

"Come give me hugs and kisses!" Daniel says loudly to the kids.

Eden, Ash, Bria, Tristan and Sienna all happily run over to Daniel and hug his legs as Daniel kisses them one by one.

"Koa wants some kisses too, Papa!" Joey says in a babyfied voice as he carries Koa over to Daniel.

"Hello, sweet boy! You are so awake today! Yes, you are! You look so much like your Daddy!" Daniel says in a babyfied voice as he holds Koa and kisses his chubby cheeks.

"Hey Danny, can you take all of the kids when you go to the grocery store? Wagmor Pets called me and they have some fosters for us to take care of for a few weeks. Six Five week old husky puppies and three year old girl husky. The puppies don't have a mom but they have been close with the girl husky ever since they were at the shelter together." Joey says to Daniel and Daniel smiles ear to ear at Joey.

"Of course I can, love! Do you need anything from the grocery store when I go?" Daniel asks Joey.

"I really want some frozen fruits for shakes and ice cream. Oh and some salad!" Joey says as Daniel giggles.

"Koa needs diapers, right?" Daniel asks as he hands Koa to Joey so he can write a list on his phone.

"Yup! The triplets need diapers too. Hopefully their last box!" Joey says, hoping the triplets can be fully or mostly potty trained!

"Do the cats need cat litter and food?" Daniel asks Joey.

"Yes, we need litter and Oreo and Basil need their special food! I think the rest of the cats are good!" Joey says to Daniel.

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