the biggest little surprise

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*Joey and Daniel have a huge surprise happen to them! Thank you so much to JustJanielobsessed for helping me write this! Enjoy! Love • Bree 💙*

Daniel is downstairs making lunch for Ash, Bria, Sienna and Tristan! The rest of the Preda kids are at school for the day!

Daniel is making pancakes for lunch, since that's what the four youngest Preda children love to have for lunch now a days!

"Papa! I want some apple juice with my pancakes!" Ash says as he runs over to Daniel and hugs him.

"Apple juice with pancakes? That sounds kinda nasty to me!" Daniel says as Ash giggles loudly.

"I wike apple juice, Papa! It is yummy!" Ash says as he smiles up at Daniel.

"Fine, you can have some apple juice. Bria! Sienna! Tristan! It is lunch time!" Daniel says to Ash as he calls the triplets over.

Bria, Sienna snd Tristan all happily run over and climb up into their seats. Ash then gets into his seat.

Daniel brings over four plates of pancakes and gives them to Ash, Bria, Sienna and Tristan.

"What would you three like to have as a drink with your pancakes?" Daniel asks Bria, Sienna and Tristan happily.

"MILK!" Bria and Sienna both say in unison happily.

"YEAH! ILK!" Tristan says as he smiles ear to ear at Daniel.

Daniel fills three sippy cups with milk and fills Ash's cup with apple juice.

"Fank you, Papa!" Bria, Sienna, Tristan and Ash all say in unison to Daniel.

"You're welcome! Eat up and enjoy your lunch!" Daniel says to Bria, Sienna, Tristan and Ash with a big smile on his face.

Meanwhile upstairs, Joey is in the master bedroom taking a nice shower when suddenly he begins to feel severe stomach pain.

"Are your pancakes good, guys?" Daniel asks Ash, Bria, Tristan and Sienna.

"Yes!" Ash, Bria, Tristan and Sienna all say in unison as they happily eat their pancakes.

"Good!" Daniel says happily to Ash, Bria, Tristan and Sienna with a cheeky grin.

Suddenly, Daniel hears Joey let out a blood curdling scream, making Daniel instantly stop in his tracks.

Daniel quickly runs upstairs and runs into the master bathroom.

"Joey? Joey? What's wrong? What's wrong?" Daniel asks Joey with lots of concern in his voice and Joey screams.

"I-I dont know, I-I was showering and then my stomach started to hurt really really bad!" Joey says as he tries to breathe through the pain.

"Why don't you sit down and relax in the water for a little bit. Maybe it is your appendix or something you ate earlier? I really don't know, love." Daniel says as he helps Joey sit down in the shower chair.

Joey takes deep breaths in and out trying to breathe through the pain.

"Danny, it is a sharp pain and it is not just on one side! This hurts and it feels like pressure of some sort!" Joey says to Daniel.

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