day in the life vlog with 11 kids!

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*Welcome to Janiel Oneshots 3! I know Janiel has broken up but I love this family and all of you do too so let's continue this book! :) Enjoy this first oneshot! Thank you to JustJanielobsessed for helping! Enjoy! Love • Bree ❤️*

Today is Wednesday at the Graceffa-Preda household!

The triplets Bria, Tristan and Sienna are now two weeks old and everybody is getting back to their regular routine!

Bria, Tristan and Sienna are all healthy and they are all doing very well! All three of them are back to their birth weights and Tristan is even above his birth weight!

Joey is healing nicely from his c-section and he can do the steps now without a lot of pain or discomfort but he still has pain if he moves too fast.

Right now, Daniel is doing some much needed laundry while Joey is doing some editing in bed before he takes a shower for the day!

Maria is at work for the day while Aspen, Everett, Maxwell, Haven and Luna are all doing their school day online!

Aspen, Everett, Maxwell and Haven are all upstairs doing their school work in Joey and Daniel's offices, so the little kids don't distract them.

Luna is doing her school work downstairs in the dining room because she needs the most help from Daniel or Joey with the laptop.

River, Eden and Ash are in the living room watching The Wiggles, while the triplets are all sleeping in their swings in the same room.

Luckily, Bria, Tristan and Sienna can sleep through a lot of screaming and loud noise!

- 9:15am -
Daniel turns the vlogging camera on and he begins to vlog himself folding towels in the laundry room!

"Hellur! No time no vlog on Joey's channel! Well, this is our family channel now actually and Joey's other channel is for his other videos he makes. But anyway, hello everybody! I hope all of you are doing well! All of us are doing amazing over here! I am feeling great and Joey is feeling a lot better after his c-section! I know a lot of you have asked about that! He is doing great! Right now, he is getting some much needed work done and he will take a shower before he comes downstairs for the day! I am just finishing up the laundry we had piled up in here!" Daniel says as he folds a few towels and smiles.

"My mom likes to help with the clothes laundry but she absolutely hates doing the towels and wash cloths so that's what I am doing right now! The eight older kids are adjusting beautifully with the babies and all of them are doing very well! You will see them all later! Asp, Ev, Max, Havey and Luna are doing their school online today. River and Eden don't do online school so they have been on a Wiggles watching kick, so that's what they are watching with Ash. And the triplets are in the living room with them and they are literally sleeping through the three of them dancing and singing loudly!" Daniel says as he laughs loudly.

"I know you all have been asking about the triplets and all of them are healthy, happy and all three of them are growing like crazy! They are the best babies! We are sorry for not a lot of content on our YouTube channels! It has been a huge adjustment going from having eight kids to eleven kids and having three babies at once instead of one or even two! We appreciate all of you guys support, love and for you all being very patient with us! We are finally back in a routine with the older kids and we are really close to have the triplets on a routine! Well, I am going to vlog the day and Joey might vlog some too! Well, let me finish the laundry and then I'll show the kids! See you guys in a little bit!" Daniel says as he smiles at the camera and does a time lapse himself folding towels!

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