in an instant anything can change

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*Life can change in an instant and that's what happened to Joey and Daniel. Enjoy! Love • Bree ❤️*

Joey has just finished feeding Bria, Tristan, Sienna and Koa their breakfast and they are now sitting in the living room watching morning cartoons!

Daniel left a half an hour ago to drop off Eden and Ash at school and still hasn't come back.

Joey is getting worried because usually Daniel tells him if he is going somewhere like the farmers market, the store or just about anywhere he goes.

Joey decides to call Maria and see if she has heard from Daniel. Maria is on a hike with Lark like she always does on Tuesdays. Joey places Koa in his swing before calling Maria.

"Hello?" Maria says happily to Joey.

"Hey Maria, have you heard from Daniel? He left to take Edie and Ash to school almost an hour ago. He didn't tell me if he was going anywhere. Did he tell you anything and just wanted red to surprise me or something?" Joey says to Maria as Tristan sits in Joey's lap.

Maria shakes her head no as she stops walking and Lark sits down next to her.

"I haven't heard from him eith-" Maria says before getting is interrupted by Joey getting another call on his iPhone - it is Daniel.

"Hey Maria, that's Daniel calling me, I gotta go! I'll call you right back!" Joey says to Maria.

"Okay!" Maria says as Joey ends the call and answers Daniel's call.

"There you are! I have been looking for you! I was just talking to your mom!" Joey says playfully before he hears Daniel moaning.

"Danny? What's wrong?" Joey asks in worry.

"Joey, I-I-I got in a car accident a-a-a-fter I dropped off Eden and Ash at school. Some asshole side swiped me. I-I-I'm at the hospital." Daniel says softly and Joey begins to cry.

"OH MY GOD! A-A-A-Are you okay?" Joey yells in horror, afraid that his husband is severely hurt.

"I-I-I'm okay, j-j-j-just really sore. I-I-I'm getting a bunch tests done before I can go home. I think my car is totaled I'm sorry." Daniel says to Joey.

"I don't care about the car! We can always get another car, you know we have plenty of money to pay one off right away. I'm worried about you. Oh my gosh, I gotta go see you! Let me call you mom so she can watch the triplets and Koa!" Joey says as he tries to not to cry.

Daniel grunts in pain and Joey freaks out.

"I'm going to call your mom to watch the kids and I'll be right there! Okay? I'm going to put you on hold!" Joey says to Daniel.

"Okay baby." Daniel says softly as Joey pauses his call with Daniel and calls Maria back. 

"Oh good did you hear from him?" Maria asks Joey and Joey panics

"Maria! Daniel was in a car accident and is in the hospital I need you here to watch the babies I have to go to see Daniel!" Joey says to Maria.

"Oh my goodness! I'll be there as soon as I can!" Maria says as she and Joey end their phone call.

"Daddy, wet's pway!" Sienna says as she gets excited.

"We can play! But let's talk to Papa too!" Joey says, getting the call back on Daniel.

"PAPA!" Bria and Sienna both yell happily.

"Hi, princesses." Daniel says to Bria and Sienna.

"Papa!" Tristan says as he giggles.

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