another foster cat!

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*Joey and Daniel foster a cat from the shelter and they fall in love with him. Will they keep him? Please send suggestions on what you wanna see! Love • Bree ❤️🐱*

A few weeks ago, while the whole Graceffa-Preda family took their five dogs out for their usual midday walk, they all found an adult cat that was about two to four years old, laying in a ditch and looked hungry and sick.

All of the kids tried to chase and catch the cat to bring it home, but were unsuccessful after the cat ran into the woods due to being really scared from everyone chasing them.

Luckily, just a few days later, one of Joey and Daniel's neighbors that live right down the road from them were able to catch the cat right away and they took him into the shelter to get checked out and find his owners or find him some new owners!

The shelter ran a bunch of tests on the cat and did a physical exam! The cat is a three year old and is a Toyger breed which is a type of tabby. The cat has a ton fleas and also a abscess in his mouth that is causing pain and for him to only be eight pounds.

Joey and Daniel both happily found out the cat was at the shelter and they offered to foster him and the shelter said yes!

Basil has been living with the Graceffa-Preda's for a few weeks now and he has already gained five pounds and is much healthier!

Basil still has a little skin rash, so Daniel and Joey give him medicine for it everyday. Basil is also on a special diet to help his skin and body heal from being a stray for many years.

Today, Joey, Daniel, Maria, Eden, Ash, Bria, Tristan and Sienna are all hanging out together as a family! Eden and Ash did not have school today but the older six kids do!

For the whole morning and some of the afternoon, Joey, Daniel, Maria, Eden, Ash, Bria, Tristan and Sienna were playing outside together!

Eden, Ash, Bria, Tristan and Sienna then did some arts and crafts and watched cartoons!

Now, Eden, Ash, Bria, Tristan and Sienna are all enjoying some lunch together at the dining room table! Maria made the kids some sandwich wraps with some fruit and chips!

Now, Eden, Ash, Bria, Tristan and Sienna are all enjoying some lunch together at the dining room table! Maria made the kids some sandwich wraps with some fruit and chips!

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*Eden, Ash, Bria, Tristan and Sienna's outfits*

"Are you sandwich wraps good, Edie and Ash?" Maria asks Eden and Ash as she pours the both of them apple juice into their sippy cups.

"YES, NONNA! Thank you soooo much!" Eden says with a big cheeky smile at Maria as she eats some potato chips.

"Mhm! Yummy, Nonna! Fank you!" Ash says as he takes another bite of his sandwich wrap and smiles at Maria.

"You're welcome, Edie and Ash!" Maria says as she softly kisses Eden and Ash's foreheads.

"Bria, T and Sie! Are your sandwich wraps yummy?" Maria asks the triplets in a babyfied voice as she pours milk into their sippy cups.

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