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In a few seconds, we were all in our Phantom Thieves clothes and facing a huge golden building. The area had low distortion acting up, so I didn't feel as weak as I normally would. We took a look around.

Security was tight all around us, so we had to find a way in, a discrete one at that. We jumped over a wall and started running along it until we found a small part of the building that had an open skylight. Mona had a rope, so we used it to descend and start investigating the museum.

As we explored, we came across a lot of paintings and portraits. I had a feeling I knew the meaning behind them all, but we needed more information so I could reach a firm conclusion.

'What are you thinking, (Y/n)?' Kurelin asked me as we walked down the hallway. I glanced at the paintings around us.

'These are all Madarame's pupils.' I replied as all the other Phantom Thieves stopped in front of a portrait. We noticed along the way that the paintings had a title, and they were all names. We had found Nakanohara's portrait, one of Madarame's former pupils. 'I'm pretty sure that's it'. I added as we moved on. At the end of the hallway, a portrait of Yusuke was hanging on the wall.

"As I thought." I let out, and all the members of the group stared at me. "These are all Madarame's pupils. All the lives he's ruined up until now..." I looked down the hallway where we had just walked by. "And those he will still ruin." I glanced back at Yusuke's painting.

"It could be that, but we should make sure that that's true." Mona stated as he took a closer look at the painting.

"Isn't it confirmed already, though?" Skull asked, crossing his arms, and looking at the cat. Mona didn't exactly give us a solid reply. He agreed with our idea, but it didn't feel right for him to just shift all the blame without solid evidence.

We continued to investigate as Mona and Panther suggested. We found a map of the museum that would help us know our way around. In the next room, there was a huge golden statue named "The infinite spring". The plaque read "A conglomerate work of the art that the great director Madarame created with his own funds. These individuals must offer their ideas to the director for the rest of their lives. Those who cannot do so have no worth living!" We were shocked as Panther read it out loud.

"Are you guys happy now? Can we target him now?" I spat out as we all looked at evidence of the abuse and plagiarism. Mona nodded at my statement.

"Why's Yusuke keepin' quiet about this? He's got no reason to cover this up!" Skull complained, frustrated about the situation.

"Calm down, he does have a reason," I told him as I put a hand on his shoulder and got his attention. "He's suffering from abuse, if he let's this out, there's no knowing what Madarame will do to him," I explained from my experience.

"A'ight, makes sense." He nodded as a response to my explanation.

"It's incredible how you put yourself in other's shoes to get their situation," Panther stated with a smile. I gave her a small smile in response. I didn't blame them; they had no idea and I wished it to stay that way.

"But!" Mona got everyone's attention. "Let's first confirm with Yusuke that these incidents actually took place." He said.

"BUT WE KNOW THEY DID!!" Skull and I barked at the same time.

"Not from the real world. The Metaverse could be deceiving us." Mona replied calmly as he glanced at Joker.

"Whether we like it not, the Metaverse shows the true person within. If the metaverse shows this, there's no reason to believe it's false." I told them as I crossed my arms and lent to the left, observing the room around us. We all remained silent for a bit as we stared at the statue. Joker then sighed, tired of the debate we were having.

The Place Where We Belong ( Persona 5 x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now