Tragedy And Resolve

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Ryuji and Akira were still thinking about what Morgana had told them about the dark side of the Metaverse. None of them wanted to kill him of course. Their hatred didn't justify that. But, you did say you had already tried the Metaverse before and killed no one... And reassured that succeeding was more probable than failing... But they weren't entirely sure.

But all that you went through that day made sure to help the boys have an answer for the cat.

You were all at school, finally attending classes normally. You were on the first floor, as you were third year and your friends were on the second floor because they were second years. Your English teacher was doing her job when your classmate Haru got your attention by getting up from her seat and gasping.

"No way!" She gasped as she looked out the window to the corridor. You frowned your eyebrows and tried to understand what was wrong with her as she'd never even talk in class. But something made her interrupt the whole class, and you were curious about what that was.

"Okumura-chan, what's the meaning of this?" Your teacher asked her in an annoying tone.  You were still wondering what was wrong, there was nothing by the window that you could see that would cause her to react like that. The hallway started to have more students wondering around, and you knew something bad was happening.

"Makoto!" You called her. She got up from her seat and followed you as you left the class, the teacher threatening you two. You looked out the window and saw Shiho Suzui. She was on the rooftop, ready to jump her way out of life. "Shit! Makoto, we're going to make sure no one except the teachers goes to the courtyard, they'll just be in the way."

"Oka-" You interrupted her.

"Just do what I'm telling you to do!" You yelled at her as you started to run to the courtyard entrance while there were no students yet, Makoto following you.

"But I agreed with you!" She stated.

"Whatever I didn't really pay attention!" You replied as you two got to the entrance and started blocking it, just the two of you as teachers and students started approaching you in a wave, all of them curious. Soon, the whole school echoed students screams from all floors. You looked out the window and Suzui had jumped already, which made it even more difficult to hold the students back.

Right before you knew it, Akira and Ryuji were in front of you, wanting to go through. A few students had already made their way out to the scene, but more students than you expected were coming from the other door. Akira was in the middle of the crowd, looking into your eyes, as if he was telling you to let everyone through, or at least him and Ryuji. Makoto was struggling anyway, so you let go of her, stopped blocking the entrance, and went to the courtyard with the two boys.

You got there, and paramedics were already next to her as she was on a stretcher. You and Ryuji looked around and everyone was on their phones, taking pictures and all, and it bothered you and Ryuji.

"We need someone to go with her. Are there any teachers around?" One of the paramedics said. There were clearly teachers around as you could hear teachers trying to get the students back to the classrooms, but no one volunteered.

"Takamaki-chan..." You muttered as you looked at her, she was visibly in pain. Ann volunteered herself to go with her, and they accepted it. Right before they went away, Ann talked to her best friend, who passed out after talking to her and telling her what happened.

Mishima ran off after seeing the scene, and you three noticed the boy. You wanted to talk to him, because of what had happened the day before. It let him down, and now he was running from a scene like that. You had never seen him like he was. Ryuji and Akira on the other side wanted to get as much info about Kamoshida's abuse as possible from him.

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