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"We'll have to catch the Ginza line to get there." Akira said as he got his metro card out of his pocket. You followed him, but your mind was spinning with what was happening.

'What the hell!? I'm not ready for this, Kurelin!' You thought, worried about all that could happen there.

'You were fine some seconds ago...'

'Because I don't think it's a good idea, not yet! It's to be with Akechi, what if he stays there looking at us, or thinks I'm with him?'

'Don't think to much.'

You seemed pretty relaxed on the outside though. You still weren't sure whether it was a good idea to actually go to where he lived, but Akechi had been anticipating this dinner at Leblanc for as long as you could remember, and you had been too. Akira walked and you followed. Since it was busy hours, you had to go packed in the metro. Morgana was completely squashed most of the ride as you were between a stranger and Akira, being only a few centimeters from his face. Your face was red so you avoided eye contact. As you were looking the other way, you couldn't actually see him as he examined you. Your flustered figure, being squashed against his body. Your hair still in the ponytail he had made and you seemed concerned. He smiled as he looked at you. You felt observed, so you looked at him with bored eyes.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Next time, I'm going through shadows..." You complained. After five minutes, you reached the station that made it easier to reach the cafe.

You walked out of the station and started making your way through alleys and blocks. Akira went in front of you so while you faced his back, you faced Morgana, who was staring at you since you started walking. You looked at him.

"I'm sorry about earlier, Morgana..." You apologised. "I mean... Sorry not sorry because I meant it..." You added. He kept on looking at you, like a creepy plush toy from a horror movie. You eventually gave up on talking with Morgana, specially because Akira started talking to you.

"You are quite protective over Ryuji." He stated. You looked at the back of his head. You remained silent, waiting for him to continue. "Is there any particular reason to why that is?" He asked.

"No, no particular reason." You answered. "He's my best friend, and I hate it when people insult him for someone he's not... Insulting him without knowing him." You explained.

"So you're not dating?" He asked, obviously teasing you. You still replied negatively. Morgana still staring at you.

You walked down another road until you turned to the left and stopped in front of a red coffee shop. Akira opened the door for you. You went inside and saw Akechi sitting at the bar. He smiled and waved at you. You did the same thing back at him. Akira then walked inside. Sojiro looked at the door and noticed that Akira had brought someone with him to his house.

"Student Counselor?" He mumbled as he let go of the plate he was cleaning at the dishwasher. "He's not causing any trouble is he?" He asked with a mad frown. You smiled at him and told him everything was alright. He seemed to sigh in relief and went back to doing what he was doing.

"That's your friend?" Akira asked as he looked at your brother. You nodded. Akira patted your shoulder and said his goodbyes while walking through the bar area. While on his way to his room upstairs, Sojiro asked him all sorts of questions. You sat down next to your brother as you saw Akira going upstairs to his room.

"Is he Akira-kun?" Akechi asked, making you look at him. You nodded. Sojiro gave you the menu and you two started choosing what you were going to eat. Not that you had much of a choice since what they specialised in was coffee and curry. You asked for two plates of curry and rice.

The Place Where We Belong ( Persona 5 x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now